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Of Mice and Men.

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1 Of Mice and Men

2 Short book A short memorable tale that won't take forever to read in a day. Plus it applies to everyone because we all share bonds in some manner.

3 Story The protagonists, George and Lennie, apply for a job at a ranch to earn some dough. During their stay in an old bunk house located on the ranch, matters escalate that all lead to a tragic climax.

4 characters George- Short and smart man that gives Lennie orders, guides him Lennie- Big, strong, but dumb man that accompanies George throughout their adventure Candy- Old man working on the farm that has 1 arm Slim- Friendly worker with some puppies Curley- Mr. Vaseline hand. He’s mean & always looking for a fight Curley’s Wife- The whore of the ranch Crooks- The only black man in the book Boss guy( Curley’s papi)- Gives G&L a job on his ranch

5 Review Though the story may seem a bit boring at first, conflicts start occuring at the ranch which adds interest to the story. The characters and actions also capture one’s attention as well as the tragic ending that concludes the story.



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