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Writing Genre English Language Arts.

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1 Writing Genre English Language Arts

2 Can be fictional or non-fictional
What is writing genre? A writing genre is a category of artistic composition that uses narrative techniques, tone, and content. Can be fictional or non-fictional

3 What types will we cover?
We will study the following four types: Narrative Descriptive Expository Argumentative

4 What does narrative genre look like?
Narrative is a report of related events presented to the listeners or readers in words arranged in a logical sequence. A narrative or story is told by a narrator who may be a direct part of that experience and he or she often shares the experience as a first-person narrator. The main purpose of this genre is to entertain through storytelling and to engage the reader in an imaginative experience.

5 Narrative example #1: “Animal Farm” by George Orwell is a modern narrative example that aim at extending a writer’s political views. It is a form of narrative known as a political satire (humor). It uses animals on a farm to describe the overthrow of the last of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II and the Communist Revolution of Russia before WW II. The actions of the animals on the farm are used to expose the greed and corruption of the Revolution.

6 Narrative example #2 Poetry written in the style of a narrative is known as narrative verse. “Faerie Queen” by Edmund Spenser is an example of such poetry. It narrates the adventures of “The Red-Cross Knight” to help “Lady Una” rescue her parents from the evil “Dagon”. On a symbolic level it narrates the mission of the Holiness is to help the Truth, fight Evil, and thus regain its rightful place in human hearts.

7 What is a descriptive genre?
DESCRIPTIVE WRITING is the clear description of people, places, objects, or events using appropriate details. An effective description will contain sufficient and varied elaboration of details to communicate a sense of the subject being described. A descriptive essay allows you to paint a picture for your reader in words.

8 Descriptive Examples #1 Schmoop
#2 The Lion King

9 Descriptive: Bringing Words to Life:
“It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although it was now only a little after two o'clock in the afternoon the pallor of a winter evening seemed to have closed upon the hills, cloaking them in mist.”

10 What is Expository Genre?
The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. Expository text exposes you to facts: plain and simple.

11 What does expository text look like?
Examples of expository texts are: textbooks encyclopedias scientific books/journals atlases directions guides biographies newspapers.

12 What is an argumentative genre?
This type of essay presents a central claim (or claims, depending on length and purpose) and supports the claim(s) using an argument based on evidence and warrants. An argumentative writing will include an argument (pro) and counterargument (oppose/against). An argumentative essay is a writing piece meant to persuade someone to think the way you do. If the author fails to apply the reasons and conclusions to the topic of the essay such essay is considered to be an unsubstantiated opinion.

13 Example #1 Charles Dickens starts his novel with a literary argument: “Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.” The above opening line is considered one of the best opening lines of a novel. It becomes the main statement or argument of the novel as the whole novel depicts the adventures of the narrator “David”.

14 Single Parent Struggle
Example #2 Single Parent Struggle “For many years, children growing up in a single parent family have been viewed as different. Being raised by only one parent seems impossible to many yet over the decades it has become more prevalent.” What key word(s) do you recognize to make this an argumentative writing?

15 Conclusion: What were the four types of genre writing covered? If you had to teach someone the four types, how would you do so? Describe in writing. Which key word(s) would you use to identify each type?

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