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A new-concept Absorption Calorimeter for the ELI-NP facility

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1 A new-concept Absorption Calorimeter for the ELI-NP facility
Michela Lenzi INFN – Sezione di Firenze - ITALY On behalf of the Gamma Beam Characterization Team OUTLOOK The ELI-NP Gamma Beam The Beam Characterization System The Absorption Calorimeter 14th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors Siena, 3 – 6 October 2016

2 ELI-NP Gamma Beam Extreme Light Infrastructure
Beam parameters Eg (2-lines) 0.2 – 19.5 MeV DEg/Eg ≤ 0.5% Ibw  8.3∙108 ph/s Peak Brillance >1019 ph/s·mm2· mrad2 0.1% Inverse Compton Scattering 1 macro-pulse 32 micro-pulses ~1ps 496 ns 10 ms 16 ns Pulsed electron beam Laser beam monochromatic g beam Collimator

3 g Beam characterization system
Compton Spectrometer (Firenze) energy distribution Nuclear Resonant Scattering Spectrometer (Catania) absolute energy calibration Profile Imager (Ferrara)  spatial distribution Absorption Calorimeter (Firenze)  average energy and intensity Absorption Calorimeter Nuclear Resonant Scattering System Profile Imager Compton Spectrometer g-beam

4 Compton Spectrometer: concept
Task: measure and monitor the photon energy spectrum Working Principle: reconstruct the energy of the interacting photon by: sampling Compton interactions of single gamma in a ultra-thin target measuring the energy and position of the scattered electron Energy detector Position detector Gamma beam Collimator Electron Micrometric target e- Fast Gamma detector g Detection of recoil gamma in coincidence for background suppression and micro-pulse identification

5 Compton Spectrometer: design
High resolution electron detectors required  HPGe (energy) + Si-strip (angle) HPGe Detector collimator HPGe cooling system Target wheel g beam Silicon Detector Matrix of 4x4 BaF2 crystals Hamamatsu multianode Gamma Detector

6 Nuclear Resonant Scattering System
Task: perform an absolute energy calibration for the other detectors Working principle: detection of gamma decays of properly selected nuclear levels of a given nucleus when resonant condition with the beam energy is achieved Design: gamma counter (BaF2 crystals) for fast energy scan to provide a prompt information on the established resonant condition; Gamma spectrometer (Lyso crystal) to precisely identify resonant excited levels g beam Gamma Counters (BaF2) Spectrometer (LYSO) target 26Al: MeV; MeV 12C: MeV; MeV 9Be: MeV 6Li: MeV

7 Gamma Profile Imager CCD camera Target holder g beam
Task: check the alignment and measure the spatial distribution of the beam Design: scintillator targets intercept the gamma beam at 45°. The light emitted by the scintillator is acquired using a mirror and lens system to focus onto a CCD camera. g beam Target holder CCD camera

8 Absorption Calorimeter: concept
PET Lead Total attenuation (cm2/g) Photon Energy (MeV) Task: provide a measurement of the total intensity and average energy of the gamma beam within a macro-pulse during the commissioning phase (moveable platform) Working principle: low-Z absorber  longitudinal profile of the energy deposition depends on the average beam energy low bandwidth of the beam  the beam intensity can be inferred from the measured total energy release high intensity of the beam  low statistical error Design: blocks of 22 Polyethylene (PET) absorber interleaved with layers of silicon detectors

9 GEANT4 Simulations Gamma beam energy (1-20 MeV) Fraction of released energy The expected longitudinal profile of the energy deposition is parametrized by detailed Monte Carlo simulations. The average energy of the beam can be measured by fitting the measured longitudinal profile against the MC parameterized distributions

10 Expected performance Best possible statistical accuracy for a single micro-pulse is a few %  in a few seconds of beam operation s(Eg)/Eg < 0.1% Achievable Energy resolution for a single photon micro-pulse GEANT4 simulation

11 Calorimeter Layer Front End electronics
Si-strip technology chosen for: fast response time radiation hardness response linearity A prototype of the front-end board has been produced and equipped with 7 silicon devices 7 Silicon devices Front End electronics channel output 8.0 cm 1.0 cm Hamamatsu devices: 128 strips bonded together 300 um thick Bulk capacitance ~ 250 pF Depletion voltage ~ 200 V Operation Voltage = 600 V (to saturate the drift velocity)

12 Laser test setup EOT fast photodiode for Laser monitoring
PicoQuant fast laser diode: Wavelength: 1060nm Frequency: up to 80MHz Pulse FWHM: < 100ps Max Average power: 21 mW External trigger and burst mode operation provide series of 32 pulses (16 ns) every 10 ms Data acquisition: Caen V1742 Switched Capacitor Digitizer (1024 samples at a frequency up to 5 GHz) X axis stage for horizontal scan Z axis stage for longitudinal scan

13 Silicon Signal 16ns Sampling frequency: 5 GHz
1% contribution from previous pulse Sampling frequency: 1 GHz

14 32 micro-pulses signal 32 micro-pulse train: the signal of each pulse is affected by the previous pulses  A fit procedure is needed for single pulse deconvolution single pulse data is used as template function fT(t) Fit function: fit parameters: t0 , pi Raw data (pedestal subtracted) Fit Result Fit procedure has been validated with simulated signals: achieved precision is ~ 0.1%

15 Absolute Energy Calibration
Silicon Detercors tested at DEFEL (ELectrostatic DEFlector), the chopped beam line of the Tandem accelerator at INFN-LABEC in Florence Pulsed bunches of: Protons Energy: 3 MeV/p Adjustable proton multiplicity l = 2 l = 4 l = 5

16 Device Linearity A feasibility test to verify silicon and electronics linearity has been performed  to be repeated up to the maximum expected energy deposition per layer (400 MeV for low energy line and 1.4 GeV for high energy line) Residuals

17 Summary A new concept Absorption Calorimeter has been designed to suit the unprecedented specifications of the ELI-NP Gamma Beam The calorimeter will measure the average energy and the total intensity of the beam by exploiting the energy dependence of the gamma absorption cross-section The design of the sampling calorimeter, made of blocks of low-Z absorber interleaved with layers of silicon detectors, has been validated by GEANT4 simulations A first prototype of the Front-End board for silicon devices has been produced and tested (fine tuning of electrical parameters is in progress) Several tests performed with an infrared pulsed laser have shown the capability of the device to disentangle pulses separated by 16 ns The feasibily of an absolute energy calibration and of a linearity measurement of the device has been evaluated by exposing a prototype to a proton beam at the Labec facility, in Florence.

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