TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD Chapter Questions.

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1 TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD Chapter Questions

2 Chapter 1 List and briefly describe the characters introduced in this chapter. In what year does the story take place? From what vantage point does the narrator tell the story? How does the town view the Finch family? What is the name of the town where the story takes place? What is Atticus’s job? What is unusual about the Radley place? Why? Describe the house. What are some of the childrens’ superstitions concerning Boo?

3 Chapter 2 What major event happens to Scout in this chapter?
Why does the teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher, become annoyed with Scout? How had Scout learned to read? How had she learned to write? How else does Scout get in trouble with the teacher? What is Scout’s real name? Find two examples to figurative language/literary tools in this chapter.

4 Chapter 3 Why was Scout beating up Walter Cunningham in the schoolyard? What does Jem do about the situation? Why does it take Walter so long to make up his mind? What happens that afternoon in school that alarms the teacher? What makes Scout decide she wants to quit school and run away? What trick does Atticus teach Scout?

5 Chapter 4 What is the Dewey Decimal System?
What does Scout find in the tree in Radley’s front yard? What do Scout and Jem find a couple of days later? What are some of the summertime games that Dill, Jem and Scout play? What is the main reason Scout is afraid of playing “Boo Radley.” Find two examples of literary tools in this chapter.

6 Chapter 5 Who is Maudie Atkinson?
What happens to the children’s plan to stick a note through the shutter to Boo Radley? What does Atticus tell them?

7 Chapter 6 What is the children’s plan for Dill’s last night in Maycomb? How does Jem lose his pants? How does Dill explain the loss of the pants? Does Nathan Radley know who was in his back yard? What does Jem feel he has to do? Why doesn’t Scout want him to go? Is Jem successful in getting his pants?

8 Chapter 7 When does this chapter take place?
What age are the children now? What remarkable thing does Jem tell Scout about that night he had to go back after his pants? What do the children plan to do about the things they find in the knothole of the tree? What are the things they find in the knothole? What do they decide to do about the treasures they receive? What do they then discover?

9 Chapter 8 What unusual thing happens in Maycomb that year?
What does Mr. Avery tell the children about unusual weather/season? What great project does the snow occasion? What great project do Jem and Scout take on? How do they create this thing? Why is Atticus concerned about the creation? What happens to Miss Maudie’s house? Why are the children sent to stand in front of the Radley house during the fire? Where does the blanket come from that Scout finds around her shoulders?

10 Chapter 9 Why does Scout get in a fight with Cecil Jacobs?
What is Atticus about to do which places his honor in question? Why is Atticus doing this? What does he say about this case? Does he expect to win? What does the Finch family do at Christmas? What happens between Scout and Francis?

11 Chapter 10 What does Scout wish were different about Atticus?
What does Atticus say about mockingbirds? Why? What does Atticus do which makes him a hero in the sight of his children? What does Tim Johnson symbolize? The action of Atticus shooting him?

12 Chapter 11 What kind of woman is Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose?
What does Atticus tell the children about Mrs. Dubose? What makes Jem so angry that he beats down Mrs. Dubose’s camellias? What is Jem’s punishment for this act? What does Atticus say a nigger lover is? What does Atticus tell Jem about Mrs. Dubose after her death? What lesson does Jem learn from Mrs. Dubose?

13 Chapter 12 How are relations between Jem and Scout now?
What is disappointing about this summer? Where does Calpurnia take the children on Sunday? What is different about Calpurnia when she is at this place? Why? How had Calpurnia learned to speak good English? What unpleasant surprise do the children receive as they return home after church?

14 Chapter 13 Describe the children’s reaction to Aunt Alexandra.
Why has Aunt Alexandra come to visit? Be specific.

15 Chapter 14 What does Alexandra suggest about Calpurnia? Why?
Why does Alexandra want Calpurnia sent away? What does Scout find in her bedroom when she is sent to bed?

16 Chapter 15 What does it mean in Maycomb when grown men stand outside in the front yard instead of coming into the house? Who is the first group of people to show up and see Atticus? Why are they there? What is Atticus worried about when he goes and sits in front of the jail? Give two of Atticus’ sayings which Scout considers important. Why does Walter Cunningham leave after Scout talks to him?

17 Chapter 16 What does Atticus say about a mob?
Why does Miss Maudie not go to court? Why does Ms. Stephanie? What is peculiar about Mr. Dolphus Raymond? Why does Dolphus Raymond associate with black people? What are “mixed” children? What is the Idler’s Club? How do some of them view Atticus? What happens to Scout and Jem as a result of the crowding in the courthouse? Describe Judge Taylor. What interesting habit does he have?

18 Chapter 17 What position does Heck Tate hold in Maycomb?
In a few words, what is his testimony? What kind of people are the Ewells? What is Mr. Ewell’s testimony? What is Atticus trying to show?

19 Chapter 18 What impression does Atticus bring out from Mayella Ewell’s testimony about their home and family life? What does Mayella Ewell say happened on that night? What is peculiar about Tom which would lead one to believe he could not have grabbed the girl and beaten and raped her? What points does Atticus try to establish through Mayella’s testimony or lack of it? Why does Mayella object to Atticus calling her “ma’am” and “Miss Mayella”?

20 Chapter 19 Was Tom Robinson well acquainted with Mayella Ewell?
Did she pay him? Why did he refuse? What is the true story of the “rape”?

21 Chapter 20 Whom do the children meet outside the courtroom after Dill feels sick? Why does Mr. Raymond drink coke from a paper bag? Why does he want people to think he’s a drunk? Why does he let the children in on his secret?

22 Chapter 21 What does Reverend Sykes say about the jury’s decisions over blacks and whites? How does Scout know from the jury’s reaction on entering that Tom will be found guilty? Why does Atticus not look at the children as he leaves the courtroom? Why do the Negroes stand up when Atticus was passing?

23 Chapter 22 What does Atticus find the morning after the trial? Where does it come from? Why? What does Miss Maudie say about the case/town that shows hope? What does Bob Ewell do to Atticus?

24 Chapter 23 Why did Bob Ewell do this, according to Atticus?
What, according to Atticus, came in the way of reason of the jury? Why doesn’t Aunt Alexandra want Walter Cunningham to visit the Finch home? What does Scout realize about “folks?” What conclusion does Jem come to about Boo Radley?

25 Chapter 24 Why did Scout attend the tea?
Why is Miss Merriweather’s statement that Scout is lucky to be living in a Christian town ironic? Who is Miss Merriweather talking about when she says “There are some good but misguided people in this town”? Why, according to Miss Maudie, was Atticus picked to defend Tom Robinson?

26 Chapter 25 How old are the children now?
Pick three statements made by people about Tom Robinson which show their prejudice. What does Mr. Underwood do in defense of Tom Robinson? What does Jem learn Mr. Ewell is planning to do?

27 Chapter 26 What regret does Scout have which shows her growing maturity? What was Scout’s fantasy with seeing Boo? How did Scout know the way adults in Maycomb felt about the Tom Robinson case? What is ironic about Ms. Gates’ discussion of what Hitler is doing with the Jews? Is the teacher, Miss Gates, prejudiced? Explain. Why does Jem get upset with Scout, really?

28 Chapter 27 What three things of interest happened to the Maycomb residents? Describe each incident in your own words. What does Link Deas do for Helen? How does he keep her safe from Bob Ewell? Describe the special event that is planned for this Halloween and Scout’s part in it.

29 Chapter 28 Who scares Scout and Jem en route to the school auditorium?
Why was Miss Merriweather upset with Scout? In 3-4 sentences describe what happens to Jem and Scout.

30 Chapter 29 Why was Scout not injured? Who saved Jem and Scout’s life?

31 Chapter 30 Why did Heck Tate insist that Bob Ewell fell on his knife?
Why did Atticus insist that Jem did it, and it can’t be covered up? Explain the presence of two knives – one in Bob Ewell and the one in Heck Tate’s pocket. What does Scout mean when she says, “Well it’d be sort of like shooting a mocking bird, wouldn’t it?”

32 Chapter 31 Explain the meaning of: “I would lead him through our house but I would never lead him home”.

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