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Why Learn to Juggle It's a scientific fact that working through mental challenges strengthens the brain and, over time, improves our abilities. Aerobic.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Learn to Juggle It's a scientific fact that working through mental challenges strengthens the brain and, over time, improves our abilities. Aerobic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why Learn to Juggle It's a scientific fact that working through mental challenges strengthens the brain and, over time, improves our abilities. Aerobic Activity Can Increase Your Learning Ability Video on how to juggle scarves Juggling Scarves available at Apply for the MALT Grant:

3 Fixed Mindset GROWTH MINDSET
Mindset, Carol S.Dweck, PhD


5 Growth Mindset


7 Unpacking Growth Mindset
Most of us are not purely fixed-mindset people or growth-mindset people. We’re both. When I was reading the book, I realized that I have approached some things with a growth mindset (like bridge) while other things in a fixed mindset (like basketball). The greatest virtue of the book is that you can’t help but ask yourself things like, “Which areas have I always looked at through a fixed-mindset lens?” and “In what ways am I sending the wrong message to my children [students] about mindset and effort?” – Bill Gates

8 Beginning Something New
We can help ourselves adopt a growth mindset—and it’s particularly important to do so when beginning something new. If you go out for a run and find that you can’t jog for longer than a minute, resist the instinct to say, “See, I knew I wasn’t meant to do this!” Instead, use a growth-mindset response. Tell yourself, “I’m on day one of getting stronger and faster. Go me!” It’s important that you’re patient and kind to yourself. You’ll be making serious progress before you know it. –Amanda Crowell

9 Mindset Characteristics Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
Skills, Intelligence, Personality Main Focus Effort Challenges Feedback Mistakes Fixed Mindset Set, You Have What you Have How You Look Something You Do When You are not Good Give Up; Check Out Feel Threatened; Confidence is kicked down Hate Them; Try to Avoid Them Growth Mindset Can Be Developed Learning; Getting Better Vital Part of Learning Persevere Like It so Can Get Better Learning Opportunity Have students come up with the language in their heads based on the mindsets regarding juggling.

10 Praise

11 Why do so many students fail to persist in college?

12 Can I Do It? Do I Belong? Is It Worth it?

13 https://www. mindsetworks. com/websitemedia/youcangrowyourintelligence

14 What real learning looks like
What real learning looks like

15 The Elephant Mindset Comfort Courage Zone Zone
Like the elephants, how many of us go through life holding onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before? How many of us refuse to attempt something new and challenging because of our so called MINDSET? Comfort Courage Zone Zone

16 Joseph Schooling and Michael Phelps in 2005.
Schooling beats Phelps for the Gold at the 2016 Summer Olympics.

17 I am not good at taking notes, YET.
I am not getting A’s, YET. I am not as good at psychology, YET.

18 Trevor Ragan
Teaching a Growth Mindset: Unleashing the Learning Machine Trevor Ragan

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