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Parents Meeting 6th October 2014

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1 Parents Meeting 6th October 2014
St Christopher’s R.C. Primary 2014 New National Curriculum Parents Meeting 6th October 2014


3 Biggest change in 20 years

4 The jigsaw model

5 English (not Literacy!)
SPAG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar). Very detailed areas to be taught. Phonics. Spelling lists for year groups. Reading for pleasure - author

6 Mathematics not Numeracy
Lot harder – Expectations higher for each group Far East – Core number – heavy number focus Fractions now has its own strand – starts earlier As does Measure (With increased expectations) Shape and Space is now Geometry Formal written methods of calculation introduced earlier and tested – 4 rules of number Tables – all by Year 4 (x12) K MEASURE- TIME , temperature MoneyS1 Lower KS2 and Upper KS2: Use STRANDS loosely NC doesn’t use this term. Measures big part of ELG’s

7 Programmes of Study KS1 Year 1: Animals, including humans; everyday materials; seasonal changes. Year 2: Living things and their habitats; plants; animals including humans; uses of everyday materials. Asking ? Observing and Recording.

8 Year Groups: KS2 Year 3: Plants; animals including humans; rocks; light; forces and magnets. Year 4: Living things and their habitats; animals including humans; states of matter; sound; electricity. Year 5: Living things and their habitats; animals including humans; properties and changes in materials; earth and space; forces. Year 6: Living things and their habitats; animals including humans; evolution and inheritance; light; electricity. Making Predictions, fair tests and recording data

9 Foundation Subjects Religious Education is untouched
SMSC (Spirtual, moral, social and cultural) Everything we do in school: Other religions and cultures, responsibility, charity work, British values, outside school interests and being a responsible person. For those schools who do not have a teaching kitchen!

10 Key Changes: Primary Computing
Clear change of focus from digital literacy to programming and control Coding EXPENSIVE – WE ARE RESOURCING! use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs

11 Key Changes: Primary History
More remains the same than changes, esp. KS1 KS1 about developing language and awareness of the past New units required: Eg Changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age Certain Year groups have changed and these are on the long term overviews. KS1- In living memory or significant events beyond Tudors etc could come in Local Study or a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066

12 Key Changes: Foundation Subjects
D&T: expectation of food curriculum Geography: change from investigative to knowledge-based. Languages: Focused on pupils making progress in one (any!) modern language across key stage 2. Specialist teachers Languages- Reading great literature in original language, feminine, masculine and neuter forms and the conjugation of high-frequency verbs;

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