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Shapes of Aggregate Supply

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1 Shapes of Aggregate Supply
AD/AS Model Continued

2 Aggregate Supply Curve
Aggregate-supply curve (AS)- how supply of goods & services for the entire economy changes with inflation quantity of goods & services all firms produce at each price level AS1 Price Level Real GDP AD1 AD2 Gov’t ↓ Income Taxes => Consumer income ↑ C ↑ => AD ↑ => R-GDP ↑ P2 Y2 E2 P1 Y1 E1 AD = C + I + G + NX

3 Different Shapes of AS Curves
AS Curves can have 3 different shapes The Shape will depend on how prices/wages adjust to inflation Upward Sloping Horizontal Vertical Px Level Px Level Px Level AS AS AS Real GDP Real GDP Real GDP

4 AS/AD Model AS/AD Model has 2 different AS curves
Short run curve (SRAS) is upward sloping Long Run curve (LRAS) is vertical

5 Worksheet

6 without inflation changing
Can increase Supply With some inflation Real GDP can Worksheet Review: Px Level AS AS Px Level Px Level AS Real GDP Real GDP Real GDP Cannot increase Supply. Only Inflation changes => not output Real GDP cannot change Can increase supply without inflation changing Real GDP can

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