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STOP! THINK! FOCUS! Stay Safe Online.

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Presentation on theme: "STOP! THINK! FOCUS! Stay Safe Online."— Presentation transcript:

1 STOP! THINK! FOCUS! Stay Safe Online.

2 Tracking your digital footprint
Keeping Safe Online Tracking your digital footprint


4 Online chat Share 3 key points that they think the film was trying to highlight. How can you keep your personal details private online? When is the last time you checked your privacy settings?

5 The Law: Possessing Images
FACTS Having indecent photos or videos on your phone or computer is an offence. If you are under the age of 18, the law sees you as a child. Therefore, if you have any indecent images or videos of somebody who is under 18, including yourself, you would technically be in possession of an indecent image of a child. This is an offence under the Protection of Children Act 1978 and the Criminal Justice Act 1988. 

6 The Law: Sending Images
FACTS Sending photos or videos  If you are under 18 and you send, upload or forward indecent images or videos to friends this would also be breaking the law, even if they are photos of yourself (“selfies”).

7 The Law Receiving Images
FACTS If you are in possession of images of an indecent nature of someone under 18 (even if it is your friend or boy/girl friend), you are committing an offence. Offenders can be placed on the sex offenders register and can be given a prison sentence. This is also the case if you have kept or printed out an image sent to you by a friend

8 Be Safe Online Be Safe Online
ACTIVITY Think: What are the most important rules for staying safe online? Share with a partner. Together, decide on your top tips Now write an acrostic using the phrase: Be Safe Online Each letter needs to begin a sentence giving important advice on internet safety. Write this up neatly on a footprint and decorate with images/illustrations relating to internet safety Design a cartoon character to go with your safety message. Draw it in the box on your footprint. Think about password security, facebook/twitter/instagram etc. Think about taking photos of yourself that might be seen in 10/20 years time Think about never meeting someone you don’t know on your own Think about deleting any inappropriate images Think of reporting abuse

9 Peer Assessment Which footprint has the best advice and the best acrostic? Vote as a class and select the best footprint to be judged by your teacher. Citations available!

10 Remember: Always Report Abuse

11 STOP! THINK! FOCUS! Always REPORT abuse.

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