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Scientific Method: Materials List and Procedures

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1 Scientific Method: Materials List and Procedures
Learning Target: I understand that a controlled investigation includes a detailed materials list and procedures.

2 Scientific Method Recap
The scientific method starts off with asking a question. The scientist then does research on the topic of their question which they will use to formulate their hypothesis. The hypothesis is the scientists prediction of the outcome of the experiment. Once a hypothesis has been formulated the scientist then needs to create a materials list and their procedures to test their Hypothesis.

3 Materials List The materials list is a list of ALL materials needed for the experiment. It must be specific as to what kind of each material and how much of each material is needed.

4 Procedures Step by step instructions that will be followed when conducting the experiment. The procedures must explain every action being done. The procedures should be so detailed and specific that someone else could follow your procedures and get the same results as you.

5 Example and Non-Example
Materials List and Procedures Example NON-Example Question: What is the effect of the type of light on a plants height? Hypothesis: If a plant grown under natural light then it will grow taller. Materials List: -Two 12 inch plant pots cups of soil -2 Tomato Seeds cups of Water per day -1 Lamp metric Ruler Procedures Pour 6 cups of soil in each plant pot. Make a 2 inch deep hole in the center of the soil in each pot and place 1 tomato seed in each hole and cover with soil. Place one plant on a windowsill where it will get natural light and place the other plant under a lamp. Turn the lamp on during daylight hours and off at night. Water each plant 1 cup of water each day. Measure the height of the plant once a week for four week. -Plant pots Soil -Seeds Water -Lamp Ruler Put soil in the pots Put the seeds in the soil Put plants under different types of lights. Water every day. Measure the height of the plants

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