Sponge: Explain gravity to an 8 year old.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponge: Explain gravity to an 8 year old."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponge: Explain gravity to an 8 year old.
Lesson 8 Date: LT: I can explain the role of gravity in the formation of the universe. Sponge: Explain gravity to an 8 year old.

2 To do…

3 NB Reading page As we read, underline tools that are used to explore space.



6 Tools Hubble Space Telescope (3) 5 other space Telescopes (5)
5 other space Telescopes (5) Giant Telescopes (6) Space Station (3) Space Probe (2) Mars Rovers (3)

7 If time…. Start NB 215 (look at tomorrow!)

8 LT: I can evaluate the tools used to explore space.
Lesson 8 Date: LT: I can evaluate the tools used to explore space. Sponge: Would you be an astronaut? Why or why not?

9 To do…

10 NB

11 NB

12 NB

13 NB Write a complete paragraph with 6 sentences!

14 How did the solar system form?
Intro Video: sci ( 4 min) Read NB



17 Add another box at the bottom of your page!


19 Engagement score Self Assessment

20 LT: I can evaluate the tools used to explore space.
Lesson 8 Date: LT: I can evaluate the tools used to explore space. Sponge: List 2 tools used to explore space.

21 To do…

22 https://huzzaz.com/search/alien+galaxies (first 10 minutes)
Galaxy video (first 10 minutes) Answer the questions on NB page 193

23 1. hundreds of billions galaxies
Galaxy video 1. hundreds of billions galaxies

24 Galaxy video billion years old

25 Galaxy video 3. Gravity!

26 Galaxy video 4. If the sun were the size of the period on a page, our galaxy would be the size of the United States!

27 Galaxy video 5. There are more stars in the universe than all the grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth

28 Galaxy video 6. The layers of the Grand Canyone give evidence about Earth’s past. Looking far out in the universe is like looking back in time to see how the universe has changed.

29 Galaxy video 7. The Earth is a part of the Solar system which is part of our galaxy which is one of many galaxies in the universe!

30 IF time… Finish Alien Galaxy video
Record 10 facts on your notecard to turn in!

31 LT: I can evaluate the tools used to explore space.
Lesson 8 Date: LT: I can evaluate the tools used to explore space. Sponge: What force keeps objects in orbit?

32 To do… Inventions created for space used on Earth: Where to next? Inside the ISS

33 Where are you in the universe? NB 223 - 224

34 Where are you in the universe? NB 223 - 224

35 Where are you in the universe? NB 223 - 224

36 Performance Assessment
1. What is bigger, the solar system or the universe? 2. Jupiter is more massive than Earth. Do you weigh more on Jupiter or the Earth? 3. _______________ is the measure of the pull of gravity on an object. 4. What force keeps objects in orbit? 5. The closer you are to the center of an object, the __________ you weigh. Choose more or less.

37 Brainpop: Galaxies, Milky Way
If time… Brainpop: Galaxies, Milky Way

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