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Connections Please find your child’s schedule! This is the schedule you will be following tonight.

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Presentation on theme: "Connections Please find your child’s schedule! This is the schedule you will be following tonight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connections Please find your child’s schedule! This is the schedule you will be following tonight.

2 Welcome To Seventh Grade
Ms. Katie Hano Seventh Grade Enriched Math Periods 1 and 7

3 Communication Katie Hano Classroom webpage


5 Communication continued
Remind – We will be using the remind app. All assignments will be posted on white board for your child to copy down into his/her agenda. All assignments will also be posted on classroom webpage for that day. Please contact me via with any concerns. We are encouraging the students to come to us with any issues.

6 Homework There will be homework every night (Mon – Thurs). The expectation is 20 – 30 minutes on math homework. All work must be shown for full credit. I will accept late homework for partial credit. Homework sheets

7 Missing Class/Absent All work is posted online for any absent students. They are able to access the online textbook, me, or call/text a friend. If they miss any in-class assignments, they should check the “Extra” folder.

8 Online Textbook Username: jdevlin109
Password: a4a9u

9 Enrichment Packets Students are given enrichment packets for every chapter. These are required and counted as a grade. The problems are designed to be challenging and require problem solving. They have time to work on this; should not all be in one night. They may work with other students.

10 SHMS Grade Breakdown 40% - Tests 30% - Quizzes 15% - Homework
15% - Other*

11 Extra Help After school help is available on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:00. There will be peer tutors and high school helpers. Late bus or late pick-up

12 Portal/Grades Please check the portal for grades and assignments. I will create an assignment when it is assigned, and enter the grades after it is received/completed. I try to update regularly, so grades should be in within a week or less. Blank spaces means no grades; missing is marked with a 0 or M.

13 Tests/Quizzes We will have a chapter test at the end of every unit (chapter) and 1 – 2 quizzes throughout the chapter. Tests will be more comprehensive; can include vocab and problem-solving. Quizzes are a great check-in to assess and gauge understanding (for student). Announced; posted on website

14 How to Study Students should review notes and classwork. Vocab is key
Practice problems from book - try odds (answers in back) Make up a “practice test” End of chapter review and wrap-up Online resources – Kahn academy

15 Re-tests and Make-Up Tests
Students have the option of taking a re-test if their grade is below a 70%. Re-tests/make-up tests are typically Tuesday after school or at lunch. Students should make arrangements with me. I will not require a re-test, but will suggest it.

16 Class Expectations Students are expected to come to class prepared: binder, copybook, textbook, pencil, homework, and packet. We take notes in class every day and do several practice problems. Write down homework in agenda Independent work – at times can start homework Self-monitor; self-regulate Math Journal

17 Topics We Will Cover Real Number System Operations with Integers
Algebraic Expressions and Inequalities Geometry Volume and Surface Area Statistics and Probability

18 Math In Focus Approach Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them Reason abstractly & quantitatively Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for & make use of structure Look for & express regularity in repeated reasoning


20 Questions? Write it on the index card with your name and address, and I will respond directly to you.

21 Welcome To Seventh Grade
Ms. Katie Hano Seventh Grade Math Periods 2 and 3

22 Communication Katie Hano Classroom webpage


24 Communication continued
Remind – We will be using the remind app. All assignments will be posted on white board for your child to copy down into his/her agenda. All assignments will also be posted on classroom webpage for that day. Please contact me via with any concerns. We are encouraging the students to come to us with any issues.

25 Homework There will be homework every night (Mon – Thurs). The expectation is 20 – 30 minutes on math homework. All work must be shown for full credit. I will accept late homework for partial credit. Homework sheets

26 Missing Class/Absent All work is posted online for any absent students. They are able to access the online textbook, me, or call/text a friend. If they miss any in-class assignments, they should check the “Extra” folder.

27 Online Textbook Username: jdevlin109
Password: a4a9u

28 Extra Practice Packets
Students are given extra practice packets for every chapter. These are required and counted as a grade. They are expected to do the odds; this is extra practice of skills. They have entire chapter to work on; should not all be completed in one night. They may work with other students.

29 SHMS Grade Breakdown 40% - Tests 30% - Quizzes 15% - Homework
15% - Other*

30 Extra Help After school help is available on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:00. There will be peer tutors and high school helpers. Late bus or late pick-up

31 Portal/Grades Please check the portal for grades and assignments. I will create an assignment when it is assigned, and enter the grades after it is received/completed. I try to update regularly, so grades should be in within a week or less. Blank spaces means no grades; missing or incomplete is different.

32 Tests/Quizzes We will have a chapter test at the end of every unit (chapter) and 1 – 2 quizzes throughout the chapter. Tests will be more comprehensive; can include vocab and problem-solving. Quizzes are a great check-in to assess and gauge understanding (for student). Announced; posted on website

33 How to Study Students should review notes and classwork. Vocab is key
Try evens from packet Make up a “practice test” End of chapter review and wrap-up Online resources – Kahn academy

34 Re-tests and Make-Up Tests
Students have the option of taking a re-test if their grade is below a 70%. Re-tests/make-up tests are typically Tuesday after school or at lunch. Students should make arrangements with me. I will not require a re-test, but will suggest it.

35 Class Expectations Students are expected to come to class prepared: binder, copybook, textbook, pencil, homework, and packet. We take notes in class every day and do several practice problems. Write down homework in agenda Independent work – at times can start homework Self-monitor; self-regulate Math Journal

36 Topics We Will Cover Real Number System Operations with Integers
Algebraic Expressions and Inequalities Geometry Volume and Surface Area Statistics and Probability

37 Enrichment Placement procedures will be coming home that outline placement options for next year. Students have the option of taking “black diamond” tests, which are enriched tests. They are also able to complete the enrichment packet (in addition to their regular work).

38 Math In Focus Approach Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them Reason abstractly & quantitatively Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for & make use of structure Look for & express regularity in repeated reasoning


40 Welcome To Seventh Grade
Ms. Katie Hano Seventh Grade Math Period 5

41 Communication Katie Hano Classroom webpage
Alycia Woodruff

42 Homework sheet

43 Communication continued
Agendas/Homework folders All assignments will be posted on white board for your child to copy down into his/her agenda. All assignments will also be posted on classroom webpage for that day. Please contact me via with any concerns. We are encouraging the students to come to us with any issues.

44 Homework There will typically be homework every night (Mon – Thurs). The expectation is 20 – 30 minutes on math homework. I will accept late homework for partial credit. IXL

45 Missing Class/Absent All work is posted online for any absent students. They are able to access the online textbook, me, or call/text a friend. If they miss any in-class assignments, they should check the “Extra” folder.

46 Online Textbook Username: jdevlin109
Password: a4a9u

47 Extra Help After school help is available on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:00. There will be peer tutors and high school helpers. Late bus or late pick-up

48 Portal/Grades Please check the portal for grades and assignments. I will create an assignment when it is assigned, and enter the grades after it is received/completed. I try to update regularly, so grades should be in within a week or less. Blank spaces means no grades; missing is marked with a 0 or M.

49 Tests/Quizzes We will have quizzes throughout each chapter (anywhere from 1 – 3) that focus on specific skills and concepts. Quizzes are a great check-in to assess and gauge understanding (for student). Announced; posted on website

50 How to Study Students should review notes and classwork. Vocab is key
Practice problems from book - try odds (answers in back) Make up a “practice test” End of chapter review and wrap-up Online resources – Kahn academy

51 Re-tests and Make-Up Tests
Students have the option of taking a re-test if their grade is below a 70%. Re-tests/make-up tests are typically Tuesday after school or at lunch. Students should make arrangements with me. I will not require a re-test, but will suggest it.

52 Class Expectations Students are expected to come to class prepared: binder, copybook, textbook, pencil, homework, and packet. We take notes in class every day and do several practice problems. Write down homework in agenda Independent work – at times can start homework Self-monitor; self-regulate

53 Topics We Will Cover Real Number System Operations with Integers
Algebraic Expressions and Inequalities Geometry Volume and Surface Area Statistics and Probability

54 Math In Focus Approach Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them Reason abstractly & quantitatively Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for & make use of structure Look for & express regularity in repeated reasoning


56 Questions? Write it on the index card with your name and address, and I will respond directly to you.

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