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CERN’s Rules & Regulations

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1 CERN’s Rules & Regulations

2 Working hours S III 1.01 The reference working week shall be 40 hours
working day shall be eight hours R III 1.01 The reference working hours shall be 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. with a break of one hour, from Monday to Friday inclusive La durée de référence du travail a) hebdomadaire est de 40 heures b) quotidienne est de huit heures Les heures de travail de référence sont les suivantes : 8h30 à 17h30 avec une interruption d’une heure, du lundi au vendredi inclus , CERN's Rules & Regulations, reminder

3 Leave S II 4.01 Employed members of the personnel shall be entitled to annual leave R II 4.01 Employed members of the personnel wishing to take annual leave shall first obtain the written authorization of their hierarchical supervisor or equivalent The granting of leave shall be subject to operational requirements Les membres du personnel employés bénéficient d’un congé annuel Les membres du personnel employés souhaitant bénéficier d’un congé annuel doivent obtenir au préalable l’autorisation écrite de leur supérieur hiérarchique ou assimilé Cette autorisation est accordée compte tenu des besoins du service , CERN's Rules & Regulations, reminder

4 20170913, CERN's Rules & Regulations, reminder
Computers The use of CERN's computers, networks and related services, such as , are governed by Operational Circular Nº5 At CERN, the individual users are in first instance responsible for securing their computers, networks, data, systems & services In BE-RF-PM only CMF software If you can't find what you need, please get in touch with in order to obtain a written authorization Phone: , CERN's Rules & Regulations, reminder

5 Cars Use of CERN vehicles is subject to general conditions Operational Circular No. 4 in the framework of their activities at CERN and for professional use only No ‘private’ passengers Keys back to the traka box as soon as the use is completed: Mandatory Only one car from 18:00 to 08:30 from Prévessin , CERN's Rules & Regulations, reminder

6 THE CERN SAFETY POLICY Individual responsibility
Each person participating in the activities of the Organization or present on its site shall actively contribute to the implementation of the CERN Safety Policy through exemplary conduct and, in particular, compliance with the CERN Safety Rules, the CERN Safety Objectives and best practices, actively seeking information to minimise risks, avoiding dangerous situations for herself/himself and others and exercising the responsibilities assigned to her/him safely , CERN's Rules & Regulations, reminder

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Training Training granted only if it is linked to function and role and if CERN can be ‘paid back’ French for beginners is mandatory for safety reasons ALL members of the section trained to the use of fire extinguisher , CERN's Rules & Regulations, reminder

8 General rules Sick leave Eric + RF secretariat ASAP! All about PC Charles All about instruments Fred Mobile phones Eric Absence request Please indicate the place + a phone number EDH documents 1/ inform Eric 2/ check BC 3/ Five words justification in signature box , CERN's Rules & Regulations, reminder

9 Conference for Fellows
Thank you very much for all the presentations ! , CERN's Rules & Regulations, reminder

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