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Fertilizer Labels and Calculations

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Presentation on theme: "Fertilizer Labels and Calculations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fertilizer Labels and Calculations

2 We will learn- How to read labels
How to calculate amounts of fertilizer needed for an area

3 Fertilizer labels Some information is required by law to be on the fertilizer bags: Net Weight Brand and grade of fertilizer Guaranteed analysis of each nutrient in fertilizer Name and address of manufacturer

4 Other valuable information
Some manufacturers add the following on the bag as well: % of water insoluble nitrogen Potential acidity Salt index Source of carrier % of minor elements Calculation rates How to calibrate spreaders

5 How Much of each Nutrient in bag?
Numbers are percentages. NPK Example 50 lb bag 50 x .18 = 9 lbs N 50 x .25 = 12.5 P2O5

6 How much fertilizer? We have a grass lawn that needs to be fertilized and Jake has found a bag of in our garage. If we need to put 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 sq ft of our 16,725 sq ft lawn, how much fertilizer do we need to apply?

7 How do we figure this problem out?
Total Fertilizer Needed =

8 How much Phosphorus has been applied?
Assume we are applying it at the recommended N amount P= Recommend N rate X % of P in % of N in fertilizer fertilizer Can figure K amount the same way!

9 How much to feed plants Vegetables Bulbs Roses Deciduous tree/shrub
For a 60ft row 2 ¾ cups to 4 ½ cups ½ early in season Repeat 4-6wks later Bulbs Amount per plant 1tbsp – 2 ½ tbsp When leaves emerge Roses Per plant 4 ½ tbsp – ½ cup 1/3 at new growth After every bloom Deciduous tree/shrub 100 ft2 under leaf canopy 1/3 when new growth Repeat twice at 6-week intervals

10 More plants… Lawns Evergreen tree/shrub and rhododendrons
Per 1,000 sq ft 1 pound/ 1,000 sq ft Feed 3 times per year Evergreen tree/shrub and rhododendrons Per 10 sq ft of canopy 3 tbsp – 1/3 cup Feed half at bud swell Repeat after deadheading Flowering Perennials Per plant ¾ cup – 2 cups Half at new growth, then in 6 wks Flowering Annuals Per 100 sq ft 1 ½ cups – 2 2/3 cups At planting, then in 6 wks

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