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Purposeful Leadership and Management

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1 Purposeful Leadership and Management
Gizelle Mc Intyre The Institute of People Development

2 Welcome! What is purpose? What is Meaning? What are strengths?
Work Integrated Learning Interventions to create teams with purpose and meaning Benefits (ROI) for the organisation and the individual

3 Outcomes for the Morning
What is you wish list?

4 Lets’ see who is in the room with us
Quick stock take

5 So what are we doing here?

6 What is Purpose? the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. a person's sense of resolve or determination.

7 What is YOUR purpose?

8 Purpose & Profit Synergy

9 What is Meaning?

10 Let’s measure it If you scored above 24 on Presence and also above 24 on Search, you feel your life has a valued meaning and purpose, yet you are still openly exploring that meaning or purpose. Life’s meaning is an ever-unfolding and ever-deepening process for you. You are more drawn to the question, “what can my life mean?” than to any single answer. You are likely satisfied with your life, generally optimistic, experience feelings of love frequently, and rarely feel depressed or anxious. You may be somewhat active in religious activities, but regardless of your involvement in religion, you are likely to feel that your spirituality is important to you. You place less value on pursuing simple sensory stimulation and pleasure than other people. You are generally certain of, and occasionally forceful regarding, your views and beliefs. Although you could be said to prefer having a stable structure in society and life, you see many areas for improvement to the current situation. People who know you would probably describe you as conscientious, thoughtful, easy to get along with, open to new experiences, and generally easy-going and emotionally stable. If you scored above 24 on Presence and below 24 on Search, you feel your life has a valued meaning and purpose, and are not actively exploring that meaning or seeking meaning in your life. One might say that you are satisfied that you’ve grasped what makes your life meaningful, why you’re here, and what you want to do with your life. You are probably highly satisfied with your life, optimistic, and have a healthy self-esteem. You frequently experience feelings of love and joy, and rarely feel afraid, angry, ashamed, or sad. You probably hold traditional values. You are usually certain of, and often forceful regarding, your views and likely support structure and rules for society and living. You are probably active in and committed to religious pursuits. People who know you would probably describe you as conscientious, organized, friendly, easy to get along with, and socially outgoing. If you scored below 24 on Presence and also above 24 on Search, you probably do not feel your life has a valued meaning and purpose, and you are actively searching for something or someone that will give your life meaning or purpose. You may feel lost in life, and this idea may cause you distress. You are probably not always satisfied with your life. You may not experience emotions like love and joy that often. You may occasionally, or even often, feel anxious, nervous, or sad and depressed. You are probably questioning the role of religion in your life, and may be working hard to figure out whether there is a God, what life on Earth is really about, and which, if any, religion is right for you. People who know you would probably describe you as liking to play things by ear, or “go with the flow” when it comes to plans. They might find you to be worried on occasion, and not particularly socially active. If you scored below 24 on Presence and also below 24 on Search, you probably do not feel your life has a valued meaning and purpose, and are not actively exploring that meaning or seeking meaning in your life. Overall, you probably don’t find the idea of thinking about your life’s meaning very interesting or important. You may not always be satisfied with your life, or yourself, and you might not be particularly optimistic about the future. You may not experience emotions like depressed. You are probably do not hold traditional values, and may be more likely to value stimulating, exciting experiences, although you are not necessarily open-minded about everything. When you have big decisions to make, you may be prefer to identify the right answer based on your confidence that „you‟ll know it when you see it.‟ People who know you would probably describe you as sometimes disorganized, occasionally nervous or tense, and not particularly socially active or especially warm towards everyone.

11 What are Strengths?


13 24 Strengths: Leading via Strengths
The 24 Strengths are grouped under 6 virtues with a brief description and links to the respective chapters from Character Strengths and Virtues. (Peterson & Seligman, 2004) WISDOM & KNOWLEDGE Creativity, ingenuity, and originality Thinking of new ways to do things is a crucial part of who you are. You are never content with doing something the conventional way if a better way is possible, Curiosity and interest in the world* You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery. Judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness Thinking things through and examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are. You do not jump to conclusions, and you rely only on solid evidence to make your decisions. You are able to change your mind. Love of learning You love learning new things, whether in a class or on your own. You have always loved school, reading, and museums-anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity to learn. Perspective (wisdom) Although you may not think of yourself as wise, your friends hold this view of you. They value your perspective on matters and turn to you for advice. You have a way of looking at the world that makes sense to others and to yourself. COURAGE Bravery and valour You are a courageous person who does not shrink from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain. You speak up for what is right even if there is opposition. You act on your convictions. Industry, diligence, and perseverance You work hard to finish what you start. No matter the project, you “get it out the door” in timely fashion. You do not get distracted when you work, and you take satisfaction in completing tasks. Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness You are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and without pretense; you are a “real” person. Zest, enthusiasm, and energy* Regardless of what you do, you approach it with excitement and energy. You never do anything halfway or halfheartedly. For you, life is an adventure. HUMANITY Capacity to love and be loved* You value close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated. The people to whom you feel most close are the same people who feel most close to you. Kindness and generosity You are kind and generous to others, and you are never too busy to do a favor. You enjoy doing good deeds for others, even if you do not know them well. Social intelligence You are aware of the motives and feelings of other people. You know what to do to fit in to different social situations, and you know what to do to put others at ease. JUSTICE Citizenship, teamwork, and loyalty You excel as a member of a group. You are a loyal and dedicated teammate, you always do your share, and you work hard for the success of your group. Fairness, equity, and justice Treating all people fairly is one of your abiding principles. You do not let your personal feelings bias your decisions about other people. You give everyone a chance. Leadership You excel at the tasks of leadership: encouraging a group to get things done and preserving harmony within the group by making everyone feel included. You do a good job organizing activities and seeing that they happen. TEMPERANCE Forgiveness and mercy You forgive those who have done you wrong. You always give people a second chance. Your guiding principle is mercy and not revenge. Modesty and humility You do not seek the spotlight, preferring to let your accomplishments speak for themselves. You do not regard yourself as special, and others recognize and value your modesty. Caution, prudence, and discretion You are a careful person, and your choices are consistently prudent ones. You do not say or do things that you might later regret. Self-control and self-regulation You self-consciously regulate what you feel and what you do. You are a disciplined person. You are in control of your appetites and your emotions, not vice versa. TRANSCENDENCE Appreciation of beauty and excellence You notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience. Gratitude* You are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members know that you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express your thanks. 10 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude & Become Happier. Hope, optimism, and future-mindedness* You expect the best in the future, and you work to achieve it. You believe that the future is something that you can control. Humor and playfulness You like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people is important to you. You try to see the light side of all situations. Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith You have strong and coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe. You know where you fit in the larger scheme. Your beliefs shape your actions and are a source of comfort to you.

14 What are your strengths?
Go to and take the “VIA Survey of Character Strengths” test (you’ll find it in the middle of the page). You’ll be in good company has over 1 million people from 200+ countries have taken it so far! Individual Activity: before you take the test, list your strengths. Once you’ve taken the test, you can compare them! 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________ 5. _________________________________  Now, schedule some time over the next month when you can put those strengths into action!

15 So what makes employees happy?
he main tenet of the field of positive psychology is that the path to well-being lies in nurturing your highest strengths.

16 Work Integrated Learning
Just in time on the job coaching 70/20/10 Graduate programmes Internships Learnerships Shadow programmes

17 Entitlement vs Gratitude
Out of all 24 character strengths, the only significant independent predictors of well-being are gratitude, kindness, and love of learning. Note that love, honesty, and humour were very close to being statistically significant. The single best predictor of well-being was gratitude. Nevertheless, if you do seek high well-being, your best bets are gratitude, kindness, and love of learning. Which Character Strengths are Most Predictive of Well-Being? By Scott Barry Kaufman | August 2, 2015

18 Skill and Engage!

19 Interventions Why do you want them? What will be your ROI?
Who will perform them? Strength based interventions vs. upskilling gaps

20 Skilling your Talent Gap analysis PDP ROI

21 Michael Lee Stallard describes how our individual efforts can bring about good organisational climates

22 Engaged = Productivity
Connection plays a critical part in improving individual performance. People who are more connected with others fare better in life than those who are less connected. Connection, because it meets our human needs, makes people more trusting, more cooperative, more empathetic, more enthusiastic, more optimistic, more energetic, more creative and better problem solvers. It creates the type of environment in which people want to help their colleagues and teams. They are more open to share information that helps decision makers become better-informed. The openness that emerges in a trusting and cooperative environment creates a robust marketplace of ideas that stimulates innovation.

23 Engaged Managers and Leaders
Leaders and Managers are the organisation’s glue for results and relationships which lead to productivity! This in turn leads to engages, productive staff!

24 What do we want our Leaders to be?

25 Engaging your employees

26 Graduate Programme Research
Please contact me if you are interested in taking part in my research in 2016 for Graduate Programmes in various sectors. Gizelle Mc Intyre

27 Thank you! Questions and feedback

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