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2 Outline Introduction Pointer Variable Definitions and Initialization
Pointer Operators Calling Functions by Reference

3 Introduction Pointer is the address(i.e. a specific memory location) of an object It can refer to different objects at different times Pointers are used in C programs for a variety of purposes: To return more than one value from a function(using pass by reference) To create and process strings To manipulate the contents of arrays and structures

4 Pointer Variable Definitions and Initialization
Pointer variables Contain memory addresses as their values Normal variables contain a specific value (direct reference) Pointers contain address of a variable that has a specific value (indirect reference) Indirection – referencing a pointer value num 7 num 7 numPtr

5 Pointer Variable Definitions and Initialization
Pointer definitions * used with pointer variables int *numPtr; Defines a pointer to an int (pointer of type int *) Multiple pointers require using a * before each variable definition int *numPtr1, *numPtr2; Can define pointers to any data type Initialize pointers to 0, NULL, or an address 0 or NULL – points to nothing (NULL preferred) int *numPtr = NULL; OR int *numPtr = 0;

6 Pointer Operators Symbol & is called address operator
Returns address of operand int num = 7; int *numPtr; numPtr = # /* numPtr gets address of num */ numPtr “points to” num numPtr num 7 500000 600000 Address of num is value of numPtr

7 Pointer Operators Symbol * is called indirection/dereferencing operator Returns a synonym/alias of what its operand points to *numPtr returns num (because numPtr points to num) * can also be used for assignment Returns alias to an object *numPtr = 10; /* changes num to 10 */ show pictures!! Dereferenced pointer (operand of *) must be an lvalue (no constants) * and & are inverses They cancel each other out

8 Sample program *numPtr = 15; number = 7
numPtr points to num whereby the value is = 7 Address of numPtr : Contents of numPtr : Address of num : Dereferencing pointer, *numPtr = 15 num = 20 *numPtr = 20 *numPtr + num1 = 25 #include <stdio.h> int main() { int num; int *numPtr; int num1=5; num = 7; printf("number = %d\n", num); numPtr = &num; printf("numPtr points to num whereby the value is = %d\n",*numPtr); printf("Address of numPtr : %d Contents of numPtr : %d\n", &numPtr, numPtr); printf("Address of num : %d\n\n", &num); *numPtr = 15; printf("Dereferencing pointer, *numPtr = %d\n", *numPtr); num = num + num1; printf(“num = %d\n”, num); printf("*numPtr = %d\n", *numPtr); printf("*numPtr + num1 = %d\n", *numPtr + num1); return 0; }

9 Calling Functions by Reference
Call by reference with pointer arguments Pass address of argument using & operator Allows you to change actual location in memory Arrays are not passed with & because the array name is already a pointer * operator Used as alias/nickname for variable inside of function void fun1( int *number ) { *number = 2 * ( *number ); } *number used as nickname for the variable passed

10 Enter character : f Do you want to continue?y Enter character : I Enter character : k Do you want to continue?n Number of vowel : 1 Number of consonant : 2 Remember..last time #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> char read(); void find_count_vc(char, int*, int*); void print(int,int); int main() { char ch, choice; int count_v=0,count_c=0; do { ch = read(); find_count_vc(ch, &count_v, &count_c); printf("Do you want to continue?"); scanf("%c", &choice); getchar(); }while((choice == 'y') ||(choice =='Y')); print(count_v,count_c); return 0; } char read() { char ch1; printf("Enter character : "); scanf("%c", &ch1); return(ch1); void find_count_vc(char ch1, int *vowel, int *consonant) { switch(ch1) { case 'A': case 'a': case 'E': case 'e': case 'I': case 'i': case 'O': case 'o': case 'U': case 'u': *vowel = *vowel +1;break; default: *consonant = *consonant + 1; } void print(int vowel, int consonant) printf("Number of vowel : %d\n", vowel); printf("Number of consonant : %d\n", consonant); Functions that “return” more than one value i.e. arguments are passed by ref

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