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The transfer performance of iRODS between CC-IN2P3 and KEK

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1 The transfer performance of iRODS between CC-IN2P3 and KEK
Yoshimi Iida Workshop KEK-CC-IN2P3 27-29 November 2007

2 iRODS iRODS, which stands for i Rule Oriented Data System, is the next generation data management cyberinfrastructure Rules Control the operations that are being performed when a rule is invoked by a particular task The core set are defined in the "core.irb" file Micro-services Small, well-defined procedures/functions that perform a certain task C-functions are called when executing the rule body

3 SRB test system 2 type of SRB system Internet KEK FW SINET KEK LAN SRB
Grid LAN SRB test system KEK SRB system

4 Install at test system At KEK internal network Internet KEK FW
CC-IN2P3 KEK LAN iRODS client iRODS server iRODS server iCAT

5 Transfer parameter Set the parameter for a data transfer at acSetNumThreads rule in core.irb file on the server at Lyon acSetNumThreads||msiSetNumThreads(sizePerThrInMb, maxNumThr, windowSize)|nop sizePerThrInMb is used for computing the number of threads numThreads=fileSizeInMb/sizePerThrInMb+1 maxNumThr is the maximum number of threads to use (up to 16) windowSize is the TCP window size in Bytes

6 iput with several window size
The maximum socket buffer size of server at CC-IN2P3 is 4MB

7 iput test iput 1GB data file from KEK-internal to Lyon with 16 threads during 2days

8 Install at KEK The server at Grid LAN Internet KEK FW SINET KEK LAN
CC-IN2P3 Grid LAN iRODS server iRODS server iRODS server iCAT

9 Specification iRODS server at CC-IN2P3 iRODS server at KEK
OS: Solaris 10 CPU: AMD Opteron 2.6GHz x 4 Memory: 16GB iRODS server at KEK OS: RedHat AS 3 CPU: Intel Xeon 3.0GHz x 4 Memory: 4GB

10 iput from KEK to Lyon 1GB data file transfer during 1 days
window size: 4MB, number of threads: 16 Sput from KEK to Lyon was about 2.3MB/sec

11 iput from Lyon to KEK 1GB data file transfer during 12 hours
window size: 4MB, number of threads: 16 Sput from Lyon to KEK was about 3.5MB/sec

12 From KEK to Lyon 1GB data transfer bbcp often fail to connect
window size 4MB number of parallel streams 16 bbcp often fail to connect

13 From Lyon to KEK 1GB data transfer iput is better than bbcp
window size 4MB number of parallel streams 16 iput is better than bbcp

14 Plan for iRODS at KEK Data transfer for J-PARC project
Store the data at Tokai storage once, then copy to KEK and delete from Tokai 1PB data in a year in maximum Bandwidth between 2sites will become 10Gbps Tokai KEK

15 Plan for iRODS at KEK iRODS provide the means for data registration, replication and purging Set up with our policy Investigation for high performance transfer One of the solutions for data transfer

16 Summary Transfer performance of iRODS is better than SRB
and it’s better than bbcp, too Further investigation for transfer performance iRODS test for data transfer


18 Bandwidth Lyon-KEK iperf with some options;
-w 4M : TCP window size [Bytes] -P 16 : the number of parallel threads -i 5 : periodic bandwidth reports [sec]

19 Transfer performance with Sput
Sput 1GB data file between CC-IN2P3 and KEK with 16 threads KEK→CCIN2P3: 2.3MB/sec CCIN2P3→KEK: 3.5MB/sec

20 Network between EU and JP
From JP to EU, the route passes USA JP-USA has at least 2.4Gbps EU-USA has 2.5Gbps or more?? The RTT between KEK and IN2P3 is about 285ms traceroute to ( ), 30 hops max, 38 byte packets ( ) ms ms ms 2 ( ) ms ms ms 3 ( ) ms ms ms 4 ( ) ms ms ms 5 ( ) ms ms ms 6 ( ) ms ms ms 7 ( ) ms ms ms 8 ( ) ms ms ms 9 ( ) ms ms ms 10 ( ) ms ms ms 11 ( ) ms ms ms 12 so ( ) ms ms ms 13 ( ) ms ms ms 14 ( ) ms ms ms 15 ( ) ms ms ms 16 ( ) ms ms ms 17 ( ) ms ms ms

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