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ECMWF Training Course Peter Bechtold

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Presentation on theme: "ECMWF Training Course Peter Bechtold"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECMWF Training Course Peter Bechtold
02 May 2000 Numerical Weather Prediction Parametrization of diabatic processes Convection I: an overview Peter Bechtold Moist Processes

2 Convection Parametrisation and Dynamics - Text Books
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Convection Parametrisation and Dynamics - Text Books Yano&Plant (Editors), 2015: Parameterization of atmospheric convection. World scientific, Imperial College Press Emanuel, 1994: Atmospheric convection, OUP Houze R., 1993: Coud dynamics, AP Holton, 2004: An introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, AP Bluestein, 1993: Synoptic-Dynamic meteorology in midlatitudes, Vol II. OUP Peixoto and Ort, 1992: The physics of climate. American Institute of Physics Emanuel and Raymond, 1993: The representation of cumulus convection in numerical models. AMS Meteor. Monogr. Smith, 1997: The physics and parametrization of moist atmospheric convection. Kluwer Dufour et v. Mieghem: Thermodynamique de l’Atmosphère, 1975: Institut Royal météorologique de Belgique Anbaum, 2010: Thermal Physics of the atmosphere. J Wiley Publishers AP=Academic Press; OUP=Oxford University Press Moist Processes

3 Convection=heat the bottom&cool the top
Pre-frontal deep convection July 2010 near Baden-Baden Germany Rayleigh-Benard cellular convection Classic plume experiment

4 Outline General: Convection and tropical circulations Tropical waves
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Outline General: Convection and tropical circulations Tropical waves Middle latitude Convection Useful concepts and tools: Buoyancy Convective Available Potential Energy Soundings and thermodynamic diagrams Convective quasi-equilibrium Large-scale observational budgets Moist Processes

5 It’s raining again… 2000-2003 annual precipitation rate from IFS Cy42r1 (2016) GPCP2.2 dataset
about mm/day is falling globally, but most i.e. 5-7 mm/day in the Tropics

6 Model Tendencies – Tropical Equilibria
ECMWF Training Course Model Tendencies – Tropical Equilibria 02 May 2000 Nevertheless, the driving force for atmospheric dynamics and convection is the radiation Above the boundary layer, for Temperature there is on average radiative-convective equilibrium; and convective-dynamic equilibrium over the large-scale disturbance, whereas for moisture there is roughly an equilibrium between dynamical transport (moistening) and convective drying Global Budgets are very similar Moist Processes

7 Distribution of convective clouds
Johnson et al., 1999, JCL Tri-modal: Shallow cumulus, Congestus attaining the melting level, Deep penetrating convection

8 Distribution of deep and shallow IFS Cy40r1 (2014)
Deep type including congestus

9 ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Convection and tropical circulations (1) ITCZ and the Hadley meridional circulation: the role of trade-wind cumuli and deep tropical towers Moist Processes

10 ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Convection and tropical circulations (2) The Walker zonal Circulation and SST coupling From Salby (1996) Moist Processes

11 Rossby, Kelvin, MJO and African easterly Waves
Analytical: solve shallow water equations (see Lecture Note)

12 The Kelvin wave The n=1 Rossby wave
V=0, eastward moving ~18 m/s sym. around equator OLR anomaly shaded, winds max at equator westward moving ~5 m/s sym. around equator

13 Wavenumber frequency Diagrams of OLR
ECMWF Analysis Cy40r1 6y (2014) software courtesy Michael Herman (New Mexico Institute) (all spectra have been divided by their own= smoothed background)

14 Rossby & MJO 5.3.2015-16.3 2015 Forecast base time 2015 03 09
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Forecast base time How does it look, on top we have a satellite animation for March 2015, below the Rossby wave filtered OLR and lowest panel is the MJO filtered. What you see in the West Pacific is a strong MJO, spinning up two cyclones and a strong Rossby signal. Another interesting phenomenon is the enhanced convection over South America that is actually caused by a Rossby wave coming in. Moist Processes

15 Kelvin Rossby & MJO 5.3.2015-16.3 2015 Forecast base time 2015 03 09
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Forecast base time If we now also add the Kelvin filtered OLR on top, the we see for the MJO we have both a Kelvin and Rossby wave contribution. This product is new and is maintained in FD by Fernando Prates Moist Processes

16 Normal mode projection and filtering
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Žagar et al. (Geosc. Mod. Dev. 2015) 850 hPa The difference to what we did previously is that we apply the software to each 3D analysis field separately and then concatenate the fields to obtain a time series. Top is a time series of the full IFS analysis fields of wind and geopotential at 850 hPa for March 2015, below is Kelvin mode and below the first 5 rotational modes – so the circulation and also the MJO are mainly rotational. Linus has installed and maintains the software in FD and we are just starting to use it. Moist Processes

17 Kelvin waves: vertical T-anomalies
ECMWF Training Course Kelvin waves: vertical T-anomalies 02 May 2000 At z~10 km, warm anomaly and convective heating are in phase, leading to : the conversion of potential in kinetic energy = αω The generation of potential energy = N Q The vertical structure of the wave anomalies is usually recovered by regression. Here it is done by taking a Kelvin wave filtered time series of the OLR and regress at each location where radiosondes are available in the West Pacific and at each vertical level the observed temperature time series to the Kelvin filtered OLR. So top is for the radiosonde observations and bottom are the results from a 10-year IFS run at T255 with Cy40r1 using the results at all the radiosonde locations. So one finds the characteristic tilted structure, convection occurs at lag 0 which means that at 10 km warm anomaly and convective heating are in phase. The interaction of the convection with the wave occurs through the conversion of potential in kinetic energy and the generation of potential energy – the first to show this was Glen Shutts see also G. Shutts ( 2006, Dyn. Atmos. Oc.) Moist Processes

18 The MJO over Indian Ocean
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 The MJO over Indian Ocean U850 U200 27 November 2011: Meteosat 7 + ECMWF Analysis Moist Processes

19 African Easterly waves
Hovmoeller diagrams as an easy way to plot waves (propagation + amplitude) 700 hPa wind, MSLP, and precip

20 Summary: the weather and thermal equilibria
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Summary: the weather and thermal equilibria w ~ -0.5 cm/s subsidence ~0.5 K/100 m J/kg Just two exercises to put the things further into numbers 100 mm/day precipitation heats the atmospheric column by 2867 W/m2 or by 25 K/day on average. This heating must be compensated by uplifting of w ~ 10 cm/s  heavy precip/convection requires large-scale perturbation. Moist Processes

21 Summary: effects and cause of convection
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Summary: effects and cause of convection Convection transports heat, water vapor, momentum … and chemical constituents upwards …. Water vapor then condenses and falls out -> net convective heating/drying Deep Convection (precipitating convection) stabilizes the environment, an approximate picture (not true for diurnal cycle convection!) is to consider it as reacting to the large-scale environment (e.g. tropical waves, mid-latitude frontal systems) =“quasi-equilibrium”; shallow convection redistributes moisture and heat The effect of convection (local heat source) is fundamentally different in the middle latitudes and the Tropics. In the Tropics the Rossby radius of deformation R=N H/f (N=Brunt Vaisala Freq, f=Coriolis parameter, H=tropopause height) is infinite, and therefore the effects are not locally bounded, but spread globally via gravity waves – “throwing a stone in a lake” Moist Processes

22 Buoyancy (1)- Archimedes said ‘Eureka!’
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Buoyancy (1)- Archimedes said ‘Eureka!’ Body in a fluid Assume fluid to be in hydrostatic equlibrium Forces: Top Bottom Gravity Net Force: Acceleration: Emanuel, 1994 Moist Processes

23 Buoyancy (2) Vertical momentum equation: Neglect second order terms
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Buoyancy (2) Vertical momentum equation: Neglect second order terms Moist Processes

24 B - buoyancy acceleration
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Buoyancy (3) = = = B - buoyancy acceleration Moist Processes

25 Buoyancy (4) T and P and Contributions
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Buoyancy (4) T and P and Contributions Buoyancy acceleration: Dry air: Often (but not always): Then Hence Moist Processes

26 Buoyancy (5) moist atmosphere
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Buoyancy (5) moist atmosphere effects of humidity and condensate need to be taken into account In general all 3 terms are important. 1 K perturbation in T is equivalent to 5 g/kg perturbation in water vapor or 3 g/kg in condensate Moist Processes

27 Non-hydrostat. Pressure gradient effects
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Non-hydrostat. Pressure gradient effects 15 10 5 -0.02 0.02 0.04 -0.04 P Z (km) (ms-2) B Physics: Vector field of the buoyancy pressure-gradient force for a uniformly buoyant parcel of finite dimensions in the x-z-plane. (Houze, 1993, Textbook) CRM analysis of the terms Guichard and Gregory Moist Processes

28 Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE)
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Definition: Example: Much larger than observed - what’s going on ? CAPE represents the amount of potential energy of a parcel lifted to its level of neutral buoyancy. This energy can potentially be released as kinetic energy in convection. Moist Processes

29 Convection in thermodynamic diagrams (1) using Tephigram/Emagram
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 LNB CAPE Idealised Profile CIN LFC LCL Moist Processes

30 Θe is conserved during moist adiabatic ascent
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Convection in thermodynamic diagrams (2) using equivalent Potential Temperature and saturated equivalent Potential Temperature GATE Sounding θ Θe is conserved during moist adiabatic ascent CAPE Θesat(T) Θe(T,q) Note that no CAPE is available for parcels ascending above 900 hPa and that the tropical atmosphere is stable above 600 hPa (θe increases) – downdrafts often originate at the minimum level of θe in the mid-troposphere. Moist Processes

31 Mixing and 3D flow subcloud and cloud-layer Circulations
From high-resolution LES simulation (dx=dy=50 m) Vaillancourt, You, Grabowski, JAS 1997

32 Mixing models undiluted entraining plume cloud top entrainment
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Mixing models undiluted entraining plume cloud top entrainment stochastic mixing after Raymond,1993 Moist Processes

33 Effect of mixing on parcel ascent
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Effect of mixing on parcel ascent No dilution Heavy dilution Moderate dilution Moist Processes

34 Large-scale effects of convection (1) Q1 and Q2
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Large-scale effects of convection (1) Q1 and Q2 Thermodynamic equation (dry static energy) : why use s and not T s =CpT+gz ds/dz= CpdT/dz+g If dT/dz=-g/Cp (dry adiabatic lapse rate), then ds=0 Define averaging operator over area A such that: and Apply to thermodynamic equation, neglect horizontal second order terms, use averaged continuity equation: In convective regions these terms will be dominated by convection “sub-grid” terms “large-scale observable” terms Moist Processes

35 Large-scale effects of convection Q1 and Q2
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Large-scale effects of convection Q1 and Q2 Apparent heat source Define: Apparent moisture sink Analogous: Apparent momentum source This quantity can be derived from observations of the “large-scale” terms on the l.h.s. of the area-averaged equations and describe the influence of the “sub-grid” processes on the atmosphere. Note that: with Moist static energy Moist Processes

36 Large-scale effects of convection (2) vertical integrals of Q1 and Q2
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Large-scale effects of convection (2) vertical integrals of Q1 and Q2 Surface sensible Heat flux Surface Precipitation flux Surface latent Heat flux Surface Precipitation Moist Processes

37 Large-scale effects of convection (3)
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Large-scale effects of convection (3) Budgets from Obs: Tropical Pacific Yanai et al., 1973, JAS courtesy Ji-Eun Kim and Chidong Zhang Budgets Obs&IFS: Indian Ocean Note the typical tropical maximum of Q1 at 500 hPa, Q2 maximum is lower and typically around hPa Moist Processes

38 ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Effects of mesoscale organization convective and stratiform heating modes 700 -2 (K/day) convective stratiform total 1000 500 200 100 2 4 6 P(hPa) 300 Moist Processes

39 Zonal mean convective tendencies (deep & shallow) July 2013 and mass flux in IFS
Heating moistening cloud layer drying subcloud layer

40 Convective quasi-equilibrium
ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Convective quasi-equilibrium Arakawa and Schubert (1974) postulated that the level of activity of convection is such that their stabilizing effect balances the destabilization by large-scale processes. v (700 hPa) -w (700 hPa) Precipitation Observational evidence: GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (1974) Thompson et al., JAS, 1979 Moist Processes

41 ECMWF Training Course 02 May 2000 Summary Convection affects the atmosphere through condensation / evaporation and eddy transports On large horizontal scales convection is in quasi-equilibrium with the large-scale forcing Q1, Q2 and Q3 are quantities that reflect the time and space average effect of convection (“unresolved scale”) and stratiform heating/drying (“resolved scale”) An important parameter for the strength of convection is CAPE Shallow convection is present over very large (oceanic) areas, it determines the redistribution of the surface fluxes and the transport of vapor and momentum from the subtropics to the ITCZ Moist Processes

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