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The Trust Network A network for all independently run, state-funded schools offering support to help you maintain safe, warm & dry buildings.

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Presentation on theme: "The Trust Network A network for all independently run, state-funded schools offering support to help you maintain safe, warm & dry buildings."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Trust Network A network for all independently run, state-funded schools offering support to help you maintain safe, warm & dry buildings.

2 Agenda 10:00 – 10:30 Refreshments | networking All 10:30 – 10:40
Welcome and introductions James Miller Andrew Redmond Matt Isherwood 10:40 – 10:55 The Trust Network – the journey so far and future of the network 10:55 – 11:25 EFA briefing update Catherine Jenkins (Southern event)/ Simon Lindsay (Midlands event) 11:25 – 11:55 DfE Schools Commercial Team - update on schools procurement efficiency projects Stephen Archer  11:55 – 12:25 Anthony Collins | Community use of trust facilities – opportunities for income generation and social transformation Chris Whittington/Dominic Curran 12:25 – 12:30 Introduction and overview of topics for discussion over lunch James Miller 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch | networking Discussion topics Health and Safety training programmes Lettings Operational Training 13: :45 Feedback from lunch discussion topics 13:45 – 14:15  HSE update (HSE services and support) Lisa Skinner 14:15 – 14:45 NASBM | Professional development of Operational Staff in Academies Stephen Morales 14:45 – 15:00 Plenary 15:00-15:15 Conclusion of the day and planning for next meeting


4 Purpose & Aim The group Exists to provide members with an opportunity to share best practice, exchange knowledge and, where needed, form a single voice to discuss issues or concerns with the EFA/DfE or national agencies Exists to provide members with opportunities to explore how to develop effective, efficient and economically sustainable systems that maintain and develop building estates that enhance teaching and learning Is supplier agnostic Is independently run/managed by its members for its members

5 The journey so far….. 87 academy trusts presently part of the network

6 The journey so far….. Our group represents academies

7 5-year Vision All independently run state-funded trusts to:
Have a clear vision of building liability and responsibility Embed a strategy for estates management and life cycling Have sight of national/regional procurement opportunities Have opportunities to share and embrace best practice The network to be a nationally recognised body: Forming a single voice on important matters with EFA/DfE and local authorities Working with national/regional procurement bodies to affect change for members Regional/national workshops, online communication New regional workshops (Midland/South) New website

8 Running the network Steering group: Cate Johnstone, Administration:
James Miller (National Director of Estates and Technology, Ormiston Academies Trust) Andrew Redmond (Director of Estates, Academies Enterprise Trust) Matt Isherwood (Director of Estates, Brooke Weston Trust) Simon Lindsay (Stakeholder Lead, EFA Capital Efficiency and Systems Support) Catherine Jenkins (Head of EFA Capital Efficiency and Systems Support) Cate Johnstone, Administration: Maintaining and increasing membership Managing the web-based forum (and developing the new website) Preparing for and managing the member events Organising presence at national shows (securing sponsorship) Collecting and sharing good practice

9 Membership Open to all independently run state-funded schools
Academies Free schools UTCs Studio schools And other

10 Topics of network support
The network will focus support on: H&S and CDM Statutory compliance Building lifecycle modelling Procurement – buying goods and services Technical support – QS, architect, surveying etc. ICT consultancy/support

11 Networking Members will have access to: Website Blog/online forum
Online materials – best practice documents Opportunities to form a single voice on important topics Annual network meeting – regional OR national

12 Terms and Conditions | Membership
What must members do? Regularly attend meetings and contribute to the discussions Members will be active and share best practice Disseminate information within their sponsors trust Champion the meetings and make “connections” between people, groups and projects thus creating opportunities for collaboration but also raising the visibility of the group Bring their knowledge to group meetings encouraging the sharing of best practice Make recommendations for future meetings and workshops Members of the group must be employees of a sponsor body and can NOT be a representative from an consultancy or building supplier Forum members will offer to host the meetings giving opportunity to share best practice regionally For the avoidance of doubt, members will not be reimbursed for any expenses incurred for attendance at meetings or for work undertaken on behalf of the group Promote membership as a CPD opportunities Members can use the TTN logo on their signature

13 Website –


15 New Online Forum ‘MAT Capital Funding Network’ Yammer site has now closed down New ‘TTN’ Branded Yammer forum set up All members of the old site have received an invitation to join To request to join visit

16 Network next steps… National conference in first half of 2017
Raise profile of the group – link with RSC’s Build in the outcomes of midland/south regional forums Plan for 2 forums in 2017 Plan for presence at national show

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