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EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN In the event of a supervolcano eruption at Yellowstone Name:

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Presentation on theme: "EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN In the event of a supervolcano eruption at Yellowstone Name:"— Presentation transcript:

1 EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN In the event of a supervolcano eruption at Yellowstone

2 Volcano Monitoring Activity to be monitored Equipment needed
Personnel / training required

3 Criteria for identifying a volcanic emergency
How will you know when to put your plan into action? Be specific. What changes or events will tell you an eruption is coming? Try to be quantitative if you can, for example “when more than 100 earthquakes are detected in a single day” or “when >2 magnitude 7 or greater earthquakes are felt in a span of 36 hours”

4 Response Plan Will you evacuate? Recommend that people shelter in place? Perhaps both, depending on where they are? How large of an area will you evacuate? How many people live in this area? What are your evacuation routes? What government resources can be used to assist the evacuation?

5 Dissemination of Information
How will you let people know an evacuation is in progress? What is the fastest way to get information to the largest number of people? Multiple information outlets will be necessary in order to reach everyone

6 Vulnerable Populations
What are the vulnerable populations living in the evacuation area? How will you ensure they get the information they need? What can you assist evacuation of people with limited mobility?

7 Post-Emergency Recovery
What government assistance will be provided to help people who have been displaced? How will you determine whether a home (or town, or city) can be salvaged or whether it must be abandoned? What measures will be taken to ensure the safe re-population of evacuated areas?

8 Consequences of a False Alarm
What if officials call for an evacuation and the supervolcano eruption never happens? What are the financial consequences? What are the psychological consequences? How might a false alarm influence public reaction to future hazard alerts?

9 Sources Consulted Give full citation information for all references used

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