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Vocabulary Prototype: A preliminary sketch of an idea or model for something new. It’s the original drawing from which something real might be built or.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Prototype: A preliminary sketch of an idea or model for something new. It’s the original drawing from which something real might be built or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Prototype: A preliminary sketch of an idea or model for something new. It’s the original drawing from which something real might be built or created. Binary - A way of representing information using only two options. Bit - A contraction of "Binary Digit". A bit is the single unit of information in a computer, typically represented as a 0 or 1.

2 U2L2 Sending Binary Messages
CS Principles U2L2 Sending Binary Messages

3 Objective SWBAT: Create a device for sending a single bit of information - state A or state B - over a distance. Analyze the possibilities and limitations that arise when sending binary messages. Explain or demonstrate how to use a binary message sending device to send messages that have more than two states.

4 Vocabulary Binary - A way of representing information using only two options. Bit - A contraction of "Binary Digit". A bit is the single unit of information in a computer, typically represented as a 0 or 1.

5 INFORMATION! Prompt:  What is your personal definition of “information?” What other words come to mind when you hear the word: “information”? Take a minute to write it down.

6 Binary Messages There are many ways we can think about the word “information,” but one possible definition we’ll explore today is that information is the answer to a question. Perhaps the simplest question one can ask is what we’ll call a binary question, or a question to which there are only two possible answers. For example, the question “Do we have a quiz today?” is a binary question, as there are only two possible responses, “yes” and “no.” Typically we think of binary questions as ones that can be answered “yes/no,” “true/false,” etc. Many either/or type questions have binary responses as well, such as in “Which do you prefer: Coke or Pepsi?” or “Country music or hip hop?” The information in this response we’ll call a binary message, or a message that can only have one of two possible values.

7 Sending Binary Messages
Open the U2L2 Activity Guide on Form groups of 2. (there may be 1 group of 3)  Imagine that you and your friend have not been able to communicate for the entire summer, and you have a chance to ask her one binary question that she will answer. What binary question do you want to ask?

8 Challenge 1 5 minutes! GO!

9 Challenge 2 5 minutes! GO!

10 Challenge 3 5 minutes! GO!

11 Challenge 4 5 minutes! GO!

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