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Orthodontic Cephalometrics

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1 Orthodontic Cephalometrics
Dr.Gyan P. Singh(Associate prof.) 8th Dec.2014

2 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
William Down’s (1948) 5 skeletal & 5 denture patterns. SKELETAL 1. Facial angle (87.5 degrees) 2. Angle of convexity (0 ) 3. A-B Plane angle (-4.6) 4. Mandibular plane angle (21.9) 5. Y-Axis (59.4) DENTAL 1.Cant of occlusal plane (9.3) 2.Interincisal angle (135.4) 3.Mandibular incisor to occlusal plane angle (14.5) 4.Incisor- mandibular plane angle (91.4) 5. Protrusion of maxillary incisor (2.7 mm) . Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 2

3 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
1.Facial angle- Posterior-inferior angle at the intersection of facial plane with Frankfort horizontal plane , indicates the degree of recession or protrusion of the mandible in relation to upper face. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 3

4 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 4

5 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
2. Angle of convexity This angle measures the degree of the maxillary basal arch protrusion at its anterior limit relative to the facial profile. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 5

6 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 6

7 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
3.A-B plane angle A-B plane is a measure of the relation of the anterior limit of the apical bases to each other relative to the facial plane. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 7

8 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 8

9 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
4. Mandibular plane angle Mandibular plane is tangent to the gonial angle and the lowest point of the symphysis (Me). Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 9

10 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 10

11 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
5. Y-Axis It is also called as growth –axis angle measured as posterior inferior angle on S-N plane and Sella to Gnathion line. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 11

12 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 12

13 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Denture pattern 1.Cant of occlusal plane It is suggestive of anteropostrior tilt of occlusal plane in relation to the cranial base. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 13

14 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 14

15 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
2.Interincisal angle It is indicative of protrusiveness of upper and lower incisors. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 15

16 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 16

17 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
3.Mandibular incisor to occlusal plane The angle measured is the complement of the angle formed by the intersection of the long axis of lower incisor with the occlusal plane. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 17

18 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 18

19 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
4.Incisor-Mandibular plane angle It indicates inclination of the lower incisor on the mandibular plane. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 19

20 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 20

21 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
5.Protrusion of maxillary incisors The measurement is made from upper incisal edge to A-Pg line. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 21

22 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 22

23 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Cecil C Steiner (1953) 5 skeletal & 5 denture patterns. SKELETAL 1. Angle SNA(82 degree) 2. Angle SNB (80) 3. Angle ANB(2) 4. Mandibular plane angle (32) 5. Occlusal plane to S-N Plane(14.5) DENTAL 1.Maxillary incisor position(angular-22) 2. Maxillary incisor position(linear-4 mm) 3. Mandibular incisor position(angular-25) 4. Mandibular incisor position(linear-4mm) 5. Inter incisal angle(131) Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 23

24 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
1.Angle SNA Inner angle on SN plane to N-A line. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 24

25 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 25

26 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
2. Angle SNB Inner angle on SN plane to N-B line. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 26

27 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 27

28 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
3.Angle ANB Its difference of the angle SNA and SNB . Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 28

29 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 29

30 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
4. Mandibular plane angle The inclination of mandibular plane to SN represents vertical relation of the mandible with the cranium. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 30

31 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 31

32 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
5. Occlusal plane angle The angle between the occlusal plane and the SN plane. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 32

33 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 33

34 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Denture pattern 1.Maxillary incisor position(angular) The angulation of the long axis of maxillary incisor to NA line. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 34

35 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 35

36 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
2.Maxillary incisor position(linear) The linear distance of maxillary incisor to NA line. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 36

37 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 37

38 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
3.Mandibular incisor position(angular) The angulation of the long axis of mandibular incisor to NB line. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 38

39 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 39

40 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
4.Mandibular incisor position(linear) The linear distance of mandibular incisor to NB line. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 40

41 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 41

42 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
5.Inter incisal angle it is a measure of relative position of upper incisor to lower incisor. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 42

43 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 43

44 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Tweed’s analysis(1954) 1.FMA (25 degree)-Mandibular plane angle 2.IMPA(90)-Lower incisors angle 3.FMIA(65)-Angle between Frankfort horizontal plane and lower incisors plane. Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 44

45 Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh
Name , Age, Sex& Date FMIA FMIA FMA IMPA Cephalometrics-Dr.Gyan P.Singh 45

46 MCQ: Porion & Orbitale Nasion & sella Porion & Sella Porion & Nasion
1.Frankfort horizontal is a reference plane constructed by joining Porion & Orbitale Nasion & sella Porion & Sella Porion & Nasion 2. Facial plane is formed by Sella gnathion Sella nasion (C) Nasion pogonion (D) Nasion subspinale 46

47 4. Facial plane angle is between FHP and N-Pog line
3. Downs cephalometric analysis uses– line as a reference plane ANS-PNS SN plane Porion-Orbitale Gonion- menton 4. Facial plane angle is between FHP and N-Pog line FHP and mandibular plane angle (C) FHP and Sella Gonion line (D) Basion- Nasion and N-Pog line 47

48 (C) Both maxillary and mandibular growth (D) To design appliance
5. Y-axis is used to analyse Maxillary growth Mandibular growth (C) Both maxillary and mandibular growth (D) To design appliance 6. Decreased interincisal angle indicates Retrusion of teeth Protrusion of teeth Vertical overlap Horizontal overlap 48

49 7.The three landmarks which determine skeletal convexity are
Glabella,prosthion, and supramentale Nasion, Sella and articulare Nasion, subspinale and pogonion Orbitale, anterior nasal spine and pogonion 8. Angle SNA is used to Relate maxilla to mandible Relate maxilla to cranial base Relate mandible to maxilla None of the above 49

50 9. In bimaxillary prognathism malocclusion SNA is increased
SNB is increased Both SNA and SNB are increased Both SNA and SNB are decreased 10. Which of the following conditions cannot be assessed by a lateral cephalogram Mandibular lateral asymmetry Vertical facial descrepancy Increased posterior height Decreased anterior height 50

51 REFERENCES Graber TM:Principles and Practicce Orthodontics,WB Saunders,1988 Profitt.Contemporary Orthodontics,Elsevier India.3rd ed.,2000. 51

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