Mark V. Janikas Marjean Pobuda

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Presentation on theme: "Mark V. Janikas Marjean Pobuda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark V. Janikas Marjean Pobuda
Integrating Open Source Statistical Packages with ArcGIS Python Spatial Analysis Library (PySAL) ArcGIS – R Project Mark V. Janikas Marjean Pobuda G67940_UC15_Tmplt_16x9_4-15 Esri Corporate Template-Dark v3.2 16:9 version – March 19, 2015 For more templates, sample files, and icons, see To add footer text in Windows On the Home tab, under Insert, click Text, and then click Header and Footer. Click the Slide tab, select the Footer check box, and then type the footer text that you want. Click either Apply or Apply to All. To add footer text on a Mac On the View menu, select Header and Footer. Select the Footer check box and then type the footer text that you want. If footers don't appear on the slides If footers don't appear on title slides, in the Header and Footer dialog box make sure the Don't show on title slide check box is not selected. If the footers are missing from other slides, the placeholders for these items might have been removed from specific slide layouts or the slide master.

2 Introduction Traditional Spatial Analysis Spatial Analyst
Geostatistics Spatial Statistics Most Useful Tools Best Implementation Scalable, Intuitive and Well Documented

3 Integrating ArcGIS with Open Source Software
Supporting the Scientific Community Advanced Analytics Peer reviewed across a vast number of Academic Disciplines Methodologies range from empirically broad to specific Python [NumPy] Increase Core Python Modules SciPy, PANDAS, Matplotlib, NetCDF4-Python Conda in ArcGIS Pro 1.3 Data Access Directly extendable Raster/Vector NumPy Spatial Statistics Data Object and Utilities Selection and Feature/NumPy Index Mapping All Data Formats Environments Localization, Errors/Warnings, Bad Records Info

4 Python Spatial Analysis Library
Advanced Spatio-Temporal Analytics Cutting Edge Techniques Spatial Econometrics, Spatio-Temporal Dynamics, ESDA etc… Trusted Techniques Luc Anselin, Sergio Rey etal. Designed to Support Various High-Level Front Ends ArcGIS, QGIS, Web PySAL on GitHub Install ArcGIS Pro 1.3 conda install pysal ArcGIS Pro < 1.3 and ArcGIS Classic pip install pysal

5 Spatial Statistics API and Integration Framework
GIS Statistics Jupyter Notebook Tutorials

6 Download Toolbox on GitHub
PySAL ArcGIS Toolbox Download Toolbox on GitHub

7 Demo

8 R Integration Highly Active Community Old Method (Indirect) New Method
Over 6000 Libraries Old Method (Indirect) Out of Proc Python as the Glue New Method In Proc Native Data Access Honors Selection Sets and Projections Vector Data Charts and Graphs GUI Interface

9 What is it? Who is it for? R Users ArcGIS Users
Provide an open source bridge library to move data between R and ArcGIS Fast (Native) All Vector Formats Projection Engine ArcGIS Users Expand accessibility of R in the ArcGIS community Run R from ArcGIS geoprocessing tool Works like any other GP tool Selection and Environments Work within GNU licensing and R project intent Build a collaborative GitHub community for GP tool development and education

R-ArcGIS Links

11 Installation Via Python Toolbox R Package Manager

12 Standard R Documentation

13 Demo

14 Moving Forward - PySAL Spatial Econometrics Spatial Dynamics
Maximum Likelihood Spatial Dynamics Panel Data Model – Space-Time Pattern Mining Supporting Charts and Graphs Pro Application Documentation Luc Anselin and Serio Rey (2014) Modern Spatial Econometrics in Practice Formal Publication Submission

15 Moving Forward - R Documentation/Tutorials Collaborative Projects
Raster Support R Consortium at the Silver Level Continue to monitor/support changes in the R spatial community

16 Session Reviews on your Mobile App
Please tell us how we did! Day [Session Info] Wed [1868 / 1029] Thur [1868 / 1034]

17 Mark Janikas Marjean Pobuda

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