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Lesson 10: The Unity of the Church.

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1 Lesson 10: The Unity of the Church

2 The Unity of the Church The Bible’s Emphasis on the Singularity of the Church Emphasizes Its Unity. The Bible clearly and emphatically teaches that there is “one” church. Everything relating Jesus to His church emphasizes its singularity! In the New Testament, the church is frequently designated as “the body.” In the New Testament, the church is frequently equated with “the body.” In the New Testament, there is only one church/body. The singularity of His one church emphasizes the unity that Christ expects it to have.

3 The Unity of the Church The Bible’s Emphasis on the Singularity of the Church Emphasizes Its Unity. The designations for the church in the New Testament emphasize its singularity. The church is the body of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23). The church is the family of God (1 Tim. 3:15). The church is the kingdom of Christ (Col. 1:13). The church is the bride of Christ (2 Cor. 11:2; Rom. 7:1-4). The church is the flock of God (1 Pet. 5:2). The singularity of His one body, one family, one kingdom, one bride and one flock emphasizes the unity that Christ expects it to have.

4 The Unity of the Church The Bible Emphasizes Repeatedly the Supreme Importance of Unity Among God’s People. There is unity among the Godhead. The Old Testament emphasized how unity was to be desired and praised. The Lord prayed for unity (John 17:20-23). The focus of this part of Jesus’ prayer was that “all [His people] may be one.” The scope of this part of Jesus’ prayer was “for those who will believe in Me.” The nature of the unity for which Jesus prayed is found in the word “as.” The location of the unity for which Jesus prayed is “in Us.” The intended fruit of the unity for which Jesus prayed was to impact the world.

5 The Unity of the Church The Bible Emphasizes Repeatedly the Supreme Importance of Unity Among God’s People. The Lord demands unity (1 Cor. 1:10). The Lord died for unity (Eph. 2:13-22). The Lord planned for unity (Eph. 4:1-6). The early church enjoyed and exemplified unity. Unity among God’s people is not merely a “wish” or a “dream” or a “best-case scenario.”

6 The Unity of the Church The Religious World Is Anything But United Today. It is hard to pinpoint an exact number, as the definitions of terms vary so widely. But, one can fairly and conservatively approximate that there are: Each of these denominations: Wears a different name than other denominations Organizes itself in some way different than other denominations Believes, teaches and practices some doctrine different Must have something that sets it apart from other denominations Has contributed to creating a world of confusion By definition, a denomination indicates separating into various divisions by name. Therefore, by definition, denominationalism is the absolute antithesis of unity.

7 The Unity of the Church The Causes of Division and Disunity Are Numerous and Diverse. Each denomination has arisen under different circumstances and for different reasons. Division results from a de-emphasis on doctrine as “not all that important.” Division results from an over-emphasis on manmade doctrines and traditions. Division results, fundamentally, every time that the authority of Christ is rejected!

8 The Unity of the Church As Equally As Unity Is Commanded on God’s People, the Bible Strongly Condemns Division! By specifically emphasizing unity, division is condemned. God hates division and those who cause it! God condemns division within the church! God identifies division as a result of carnal, fleshly desires. God warns of the destructiveness of division. God identifies divisiveness as a work of the flesh which will cost a man his soul. God proclaims that division is contrary to the doctrine of Christ, and He commands that those who cause divisions contrary to the gospel are to be avoided.

9 The Unity of the Church As Equally As Unity Is Commanded on God’s People, the Bible Strongly Condemns Division! God commands Christians not to show any approval to those who would cause division. God directs Christians to avoid those who would bring division. God specifically teaches that CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED! God is not the author of confusion! Where there is religious confusion and division, God is not the cause and God is not pleased!

10 The Unity of the Church The Bible Warns Against False Doctrine and False Teachers. To call someone a “false teacher” today is not popular, but the Lord repeatedly warned against and rejected false teachers. To call a teaching a “false doctrine” today is not popular, but the Lord repeatedly warned against and condemned false doctrines. Consider this for a moment: If God repeatedly warned against and condemned false teachers and false doctrines: The Bible warns against: “False prophets,” etc. Therefore, the Bible teaches and commands God’s people: “Stand fast,” etc. True unity can only exist where truth reigns supreme!

11 The Unity of the Church The Bible Reveals God’s Plan for Unity and Teaches How to Successfully Attain It. Human attempts at unity, apart from God’s plan, always have and always will fail. Most religious men desire unity, but their attempts at achieving it through unauthorized means have never been successful. Man has attempted unity by setting up a human as the “Head of the Church.” Man has attempted unity by writing out his own “Church Creeds.” Man has attempted unity by seeking justification for disunity in Scripture. Man has attempted unity by ignoring and tolerating differing doctrines, compromising and “agreeing to disagree.” God’s desire for unity does not mean that He approves of all unity.

12 The Unity of the Church The Bible Reveals God’s Plan for Unity and Teaches How to Successfully Attain It. God’s plan for unity requires (#1): Being “in Christ.” God’s plan for unity requires (#2): Faithfully walking in the light. God’s plan for unity requires (#3): Speaking the same thing— the doctrine of Christ.

13 The Unity of the Church God Is Deeply Concerned about the Unity of His Church! Division is not of God. Unity is possible! Jesus prayed for unity. God is deeply concerned about the unity of His church! Are you?

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