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Distributed Algorithms for Mobile Sensor Networks

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1 Distributed Algorithms for Mobile Sensor Networks
CS5802 – Nathan Loika

2 What is a Mobile Sensor Network?
Network of nodes Capable of point-to-multi-point communication Performs the collection of data Flexible hardware Sensing Computation Communication Locomotion Discrete or embedded Possibly disposable

3 Physical Microcontroller / Processor Sensors Power Communications
Tailored to application Power Solar, Battery Communications Radio Antenna Movement

4 Current Applications Machine learning Data mining Automation
Autonomous vehicles Data mining Fitness trackers Environmental trackers Automation Home security Manufacturing optimization

5 Mobile Network Obstacles
Communication / Security Energy usage Locomotion / Distribution Cost

6 Communication / Security
Cluster based communication Eases routing and energy use Wireless communication Radio / Bluetooth Broadcast Security Extremely limited resources Custom Protocols SPINS

7 Energy Management Each node needs energy production and storage
Primary energy usage is communication Clustering – distributed algorithm Homogenous vs Heterogenous Homogenous – LEACH, PEGASIS, HEED Heterogenous – SEP, DEEC

8 Homogenous Clustering
Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) Rotating cluster heads, even energy drain Stochastic selection based on number of nodes Set-up, Stead-state Hybrid, Energy-Efficient, Distributed Clustering (HEED) Linear time (with respect to number of nodes) Stochastic selection based on percent of energy Transmission power levels adjusted to cluster HEED: This algorithm has four main goals: Prolonging network lifetime by distributing energy consumption Terminating clustering process by constant number of iterations Minimizing control overload Providing appropriate distributed cluster heads and compressed clusters. HEED Dependent on minimum power selected

9 Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH)
Assumes equal energy and communication Round based selection Each cluster head is randomly selected Steady state communication is slotted

10 Heterogenous Clustering
Stable Election Protocol (SEP) Two energy levels Weight the odds of becoming cluster head Distributed Energy-Efficient Clustering (DEEC) Multiple energy levels Selection on residual energy

11 Heterogenous Clustering

12 Locomotion / Localization
Three major cases Distribution Redistribution Location feedback Typically passive locomotion Movement only by outside forces Distribution one time Location awareness is costly GPS is expensive DV-HOP, MCL DV-HOP -> Hop counting, good for low density networks MCL -> Monte Carlo Localization, Weighted position set, Predict then update applying a small movement each time to gain information

13 Distribution Algorithm Example
Given N mobile nodes with isotropic radial sensors of range Rs and isotropic radio communication of range Rc how should they deploy themselves so that the resulting configuration maximizes the net sensor coverage of the network with the constraint that each node has at least K neighbors? Attraction and repulsion forces Repel until node has degree K Communicate to critical nodes, continue to repel others Increase attraction force until equilibrium

14 Distribution Algorithm Example

15 Citations Heinzelman, Wendi B., Anantha P. Chandrakasan, and Hari Balakrishnan. "An application- specific protocol architecture for wireless microsensor networks." IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 1.4 (2002): Younis, Ossama, and Sonia Fahmy. "HEED: a hybrid, energy-efficient, distributed clustering approach for ad hoc sensor networks." IEEE Transactions on mobile computing 3.4 (2004): Smaragdakis, Georgios, Azer Bestavros, and Ibrahim Matta. SEP: A stable election protocol for clustered heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. Boston University Computer Science Department, 2004. Qing, Li, Qingxin Zhu, and Mingwen Wang. "Design of a distributed energy-efficient clustering algorithm for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks." Computer communications (2006): Perrig, Adrian, et al. "SPINS: Security protocols for sensor networks." Wireless networks 8.5 (2002): Hu, Lingxuan, and David Evans. "Localization for mobile sensor networks." Proceedings of the 10th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking. ACM, 2004. Howard, Andrew, Maja J. Matarić, and Gaurav S. Sukhatme. "An incremental self-deployment algorithm for mobile sensor networks." Autonomous Robots 13.2 (2002):

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