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GOCDB Update 27/05/2016 Me: Working on GOCDB 3 days a week

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1 27/05/2016
GOCDB Update 27/05/2016 Me: Working on GOCDB 3 days a week So far I have been getting up to speed and making ipv6 test machine work My first major task will be the write API (more later) If you recognise me, it’s because I previously worked on GOCDB for six months - introducing scope tags and an admin interface

2 Current Status New tags: wlcg, atlas, alice, cms, lhcb, tier1, tier2
Integration with EGI Proxy IdP Being used by Elixir early adopters to define their infrastructure Elixir Integration Elixir sites created under ELIXIR (NGI) + CESNET-MetaCloud (Site) Elixir resources have been tagged with the ‘elixir’ reserved scope tag. Q: Can ARGO/OpsPortal use the tags to filter/group/monitor resources based on these tags? IPv6 GOCDB test instance Being tested by WLCG IPv6 testbed WLCG campaign to validate wlcg VO reserved scope tags New tags: wlcg, atlas, alice, cms, lhcb, tier1, tier2 All sites being asked to check their reserved scope tags, see: Last check: ~84 site-tickets solved, ~34 assigned or in-progress Lots of discussion on the use of GOCDB VO scope tags for WLCG use-cases (for example, should a tag with a given VO name imply that the: service is available for VO; service is used by VO; service is known by the VO but not currently in use; service should be tested by VO ?) WLCG exploring the use of GOCDB to replace BDII Requires a Write API to POST semi-static service/custom props Details: See next slide If tag use is to reflect BDII then it is about authorisation of that VO to use the resource

3 WLCG exploring use of GOCDB to replace BDII
New attributes required in GOCDB Has been prototyped using the custom properties feature, (next slide) Still a proposal Proposed WLCG future Info system architecture

4 Custom Properties Used to Prototype/Explore WLCG Requirements for new Attributes
1) Paste/upload multiple-property template file 2)

5 Write API to Update/Add Custom Properties
Proposal 1: Add a write API methods to POST properties to a specified Site, Service, ServiceEndpoint, e.g. ‘/gocdbpi/site/<siteId>/updateCustomProps’ ‘/gocdbpi/service/<serviceId>/updateCustomProps’ ‘/gocdbpi/serviceEndpoint/<servEndpId>/updateCustomProps’ Proposal 2: To secure the methods, allow SiteAdmins to create/manage their own ACL via the portal UI SiteAdmins edit which DNs can POST updates (e.g. DNs of robot certs for scripting).

6 ~v5.6.1 – Default Paging (date TBC)
Some queries are expensive (memory + timeout limits exceeded) Introduce default paging on expensive PI queries get_downtime* get_service* others…. If ‘page’ URL param is not specified, page 1 is returned by default Current, next, last page provided in <results> Clients must re-issue the query and increment page to fetch all the results Will require widespread agreement and consultation before implementation

7 ~v5.6.1 – Default Paging (date TBC)
Some queries are expensive (memory + timeout limits exceeded) Introduce default paging on expensive PI queries get_downtime* get_service* others…. If ‘page’ URL param is not specified, page 1 is returned by default Current, next, last page provided in <results> Clients must re-issue the query and increment page to fetch all the results Will require wides[read agreement and consultation before implementation

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