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Training for developers of X-Road interfaces

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1 Training for developers of X-Road interfaces
Name Date

2 Module 4 X-Road namespace X-Road services
Descriptions of services. How to find them Document templates for describing services Necessary documents

3 Namespace is a set or group of elements defined based on a specific naming agreement.
Namespace can be declared in XML: xmlns=„ xmlns: a=„ XML namespace XML Schema (XSD) X-Road namespace X-Road v6 header fields Explanations of header fields Changes upon transfer to Version 6 Defining the alias of a namespace: xmlns:xrd=„ xmlns:wsdl=„ xmlns:xsd=„ xmlns:id=„ xmlns:soap=„

4 Namespace XML namespace XML Schema (XSD) X-Road namespace
XSD Example ( <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=" xmlns=" xmlns:xs=" <xs:complexType name="XRoadIdentifierType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Globally unique identifier in the X-Road system. Identifier consists of object type specifier and list of hierarchical codes (starting with code that identifiers the X-Road instance).</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="xRoadInstance"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="memberClass"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="memberCode"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="subsystemCode"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="groupCode"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="serviceCode"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="serviceVersion"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="securityCategoryCode"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="serverCode"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute ref="objectType" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> Namespace XML namespace XML Schema (XSD) X-Road namespace X-Road v6 header fields Explanations of header fields Changes upon transfer to Version 6

5 Namespace XML namespace XML Schema (XSD) X-Road namespace
X-Road v6 header fields Explanations of header fields Changes upon transfer to Version 6 X-Road namespaces:

6 Namespace Security server uses header fields:
• for routing requests and responses • for validating the rights • for ensuring authenticity • for logging Namespace XML namespace XML Schema (XSD) X-Road namespace X-Road v6 header fields Explanations of header fields Changes upon transfer to Version 6 Header elements are necessary for providers and users of dataservice, e.g. for: • performing additional client-specific validation of rights • applying client-specific business logic calculations or filters • logging

7 Namespace XML namespace XML Schema (XSD) X-Road namespace
X-Road v6 header fields Explanations of header fields Changes upon transfer to Version 6

8 Namespace XML namespace XML Schema (XSD) X-Road namespace
X-Road V5 header fields X-Road V6 Namespace XML namespace XML Schema (XSD) X-Road namespace X-Road v6 header fields Explanations of header fields Changes upon transfer to Version 6

9 Services Service in the meaning of X-Road is a predefined request-response sent by the information system of an authority (or a company) to the database and to which the database provides the agreed set of data in response. Services are technically described with a WSDL definition. In the meaning of SOAP and WSDL, service is an operation (described with a portType element) with an input and output message (described with message elements). Dataservices Metaservices Management services

10 Services List of service providers: http://SECURITYSERVER/listClients
Services List of central services: Dataservices Metaservices Management services List of services: listMethods allowedMethods

11 Services Dataservices Metaservices Management services clientReg
clientDeletion authCertReg authCertDeletion

12 Descriptions of services and how to find them
WSDL download: xRoadInstance – X-Road set memberClass – member class memberCode – X-Road member code subsystemCode – identification code of the subsystem of the member serviceCode – service code version – service version Teenuste kirjeldused asuvad WSDL failides, mis omakorda asuvad asutuse turvaserveris, mis vastavat teenust pakub. Services list:

13 Descriptions of services in RIHA
Services registered on X-Road must be described also in RIHA environment (the management system of the state information system) at the address: and meet precisely the descriptions of services used in security servers

14 Data of dataservice Human-readable name of the service.
WSDL description of the service. Functional description of the service. Security level/security class required for using the service. Conditions for provision, use and changing the service. Exploitation requirements of the service, which must include at least: operating time of the service, maximum duration of single interruption, maximum time of response to request (ensured in at least 90% responses), number of requests in a minute or number of requests per client in a minute.

15 Data of subsystem Data needed for describing a subsystem are described in X-Road user manual, clause 4.1

16 Documents for developing dataservices
X-road: Message Protocol v4.0 X-road: Service Metadata Protocol. Technical Specification X-Road: Protocol for Management Services X-tee rakendusjuhis ISKE rakendusjuhend

17 Thank You! First name Surname
The training materials for developers of X-Road interfaces have been compiled with funding from the structural funds support scheme “Raising Public Awareness about the Information Society” of the European Regional Development Fund.

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