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THE CRUCIBLE Introduction.

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1 THE CRUCIBLE Introduction

2 Before we begin… In a brief paragraph, tell me about a time you were accused of something you did not do. How did you react? Were you allowed an opportunity to defend yourself? Had the people accusing you already made up their minds about you? How did it make you feel?

3 What do you think? On a scale of 1-5, agree or disagree with the following statements. (1 = fully disagree and 5 = fully agree) It is OK to lie and cheat if it gets you the results you want. It is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life. It is OK to cheat on a boy/girlfriend if she/he is not a good boy/girlfriend. Withholding information is not the same as lying.

4 Basic Info About the Play
Title: The Crucible Author: Arthur Miller Genre: Play Setting: Salem, MA 1692 During the Salem Witch Trials The play is based on the actual events of the Salem Witch Trials. It was written as a response to the McCarthy hearings in which people were arrested and tried as suspected Communists.

5 Historical Context Colonial America Life is difficult
Winters are harsh Farming is difficult Threat of wild animals Threat of Native Americans Woods are evil

6 Historical Context Puritanism Strict morals (Pure) Angry God
No forgiveness One sinner = all dead All work, no play Everyone the same Afraid of Satan Sin = Crime

7 The play begins… A group of girls led by Abigail Williams sneaks out one night. Once out there, they are met by a slave named Tituba. They dance around a fire and are caught by the town’s minister Several girls fall ill as a result; people in town suspect they are possessed

8 Rev. Samuel Parris Minister of Salem
Daughter Betty is one of the sick girls Niece Abigail caught dancing in woods Paranoid Only worried about self Slave owner

9 Tituba A slave belonging to Rev. Parris
Led girls in dancing around fire in woods From Barbados Supposedly has knowledge of witchcraft

10 Abigail Williams Niece of Rev. Parris 17 years old
Ringleader of girls in Salem Used to work as a servant in Proctor household Manipulative and smart

11 Thomas and Ann Putnam Thomas Wealthy Fights over land Ann
Had 8 children 1 survived; now sick Obsessed with death

12 John Proctor Well respected farmer in the community
Does not get along with Mr. Putnam or Rev. Parris Does not think girls’ illness is witchcraft The voice of reason Married to Elizabeth

13 Giles Corey and Rebecca Nurse
Strong old man Proctor’s friend Wife reads “strange books” Rebecca Kind old woman Resented by others

14 John Hale Witchcraft expert
Called in to determine if the girls’ illness is caused by witchcraft. Studied witchcraft extensively Never encountered a witch.

15 The girls Betty Parris People say she flies Mercy Lewis Danced naked
Ruth Putnam Last living Putnam kid Mary Warren Says only watched

16 The consequences…. Witchcraft is a serious offense to the Puritans.
The punishment for this crime is death by hanging. What would you do if accused of a crime whose punishment was death?

17 Some more questions to consider…
If you spent your whole life powerless, how would act when you finally became powerful? When you get caught doing something bad, who do you blame it on? Are you willing to stand up to an angry mob, or would you join them?


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