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Presentation on theme: "CHINO BASIN WATERMASTER"— Presentation transcript:

Santa Ana River Watershed Update February 22nd, 2017

2 Santa Ana River County Beach
Santa Ana Canyon 96 miles long 700 miles of tributaries Watershed: 2,650 square miles 6 million people 58 cities in 4 counties Santa Ana River County Beach

3 Riverside Narrows Reach 3

4 Chino Basin within the SAR Watershed

5 General Categories Water Quality Basin Management
Habitat Conservation/Monitoring Storage and Conjunctive Use

6 Current Activities of Interest
Basin Monitoring Program Task Force (BMPTF) Upper SAR Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) Prado Basin Adaptive Management Plan (Prado AMP) Santa Ana River Conservation and Conjunctive Use Program (SARCCUP)

7 Basin Monitoring Program Task Force GC: Water Quality
Effort of 17 agencies watershed-wide to monitor TDS/Nitrogen and to develop and implement Basin Plan Amendments in collaboration with the RWQCB. Administered and facilitated by SAWPA

8 Basin Monitoring Program Task Force GC: Water Quality
Wasteload Allocation Model Update: Awarded to Geoscience Ambient Water Quality Calculation: Underway but behind schedule 303 (d) Listings of Reach 3 of SAR: Benthic Community Effects Basin Plan Amendment for the Chino South GMZ: Change the Nitrate-N objective from 4.2 mg/L → 5.0 mg/L

9 Upper Santa Ana River HCP GC: Habitat Conservation, Basin Management
Multi-agency effort to preserve and restore habitat in the Upper SAR and apply collectively for incidental take permits Species covered: Santa Ana Sucker Least Bell’s Vireo Burrowing owl Others Lead Agency: San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District

10 Proposed Covered Activities for the HCP
SBVMWD Recharge and Recycle projects IEUA Recharge Projects RPU Stormwater capture

11 Proposed Conservation Areas for the HCP

12 Upper Santa Ana River HCP
Upper SAR Integrated Groundwater Model RFP: Study to analyze effects groundwater and surface water interaction Integrates existing groundwater models of the upper watershed Baseline selection and Chino Basin model availability are issues of concern

13 Upper Santa Ana River HCP

14 Prado Basin Adaptive Management Plan GC: Habitat Conservation / Monitoring
Extensive monitoring plan funded by Watermaster parties as part of the Peace II agreement commitments Monitors for impacts in the riparian habitat at Prado Basin due to the basin management activities in Chino Basin, including desalter operations and hydraulic control

15 Adaptive Management Plan Designated Critical Habitat
Prado Basin Adaptive Management Plan Designated Critical Habitat

16 Monitoring and Reporting Program
Prado Basin AMP Monitoring and Reporting Program

17 Prado Basin Adaptive Management Plan
First Annual Report (draft) for the Prado Basin AMP will be published by: April 12th , 2017 Next meeting of the Prado Basin Habitat Sustainability Committee: March 21st , 2017 at IEUA

18 Watershed Initiative:
Santa Ana River Conservation and Conjunctive Use Program (SARCCUP) GC: Habitat Conservation, Storage, Basin Management Watershed Initiative: Santa Ana Sucker Habitat Restoration Arundo Removal Water Conservation Measures Conjunctive Use Program Funding for the program: $100M

19 Santa Ana Sucker Habitat Restoration
Santa Ana River Conservation and Conjunctive Use Program (SARCCUP) GC: Habitat Conservation, Storage, Basin Management Santa Ana Sucker Habitat Restoration Conjunctive Use Water Conservation Arundo Removal

20 SARCCUP: Conjunctive use Program
Use of 96,000 AF of storage Creation of a Water Bank Develop new infrastructure for recovery and conveyance

21 Final Remarks Changes in TDS and Nitrate objectives within the Basin may have an impact in water quality Recharge and recycle activities in the upper watershed covered by the HCP may reduce flows from the river SARCCUP is an ambitious watershed-wide program that could open the possibility of storage to people from outside the Basin


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