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Poetic Devices.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetic Devices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetic Devices

2 Similes A comparison between 2 things, with the use of word “like” or “as” Example: They are like two peas in a pod. She is as busy as a bee. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one you’re going to get.”

3 Metaphors A comparison between two things, WITHOUT the use of like or as A figure of speech used to describe one thing as something that it is not normally related too. Example: A blanket of snow covered the ground. She has a heart of stone

4 Symbol An object, event, person, animal, etc that has extraordinary meaning or significance; represents something else. Examples: Flags A wall A lion A cross at the side of the road

5 Imagery The mental picture created in the author/reader’s head. Using language to represent objects, actions, ideas in such a way that it appeals to our senses. Example: The white, sandy beach was glistening like a million little diamonds. The turquoise waves crashed upon the shore with increasing intensity. The beach was heaven.

6 Personification Giving human qualities to inanimate objects, animals or ideas. Example: The days crept by slowly. The trees danced in the wind

7 Hyperbole A great exaggeration Example: She cried an ocean of tears

8 Juxtaposition The act or placement of two things side by side for contrast; developing a comparison between two dissimilar things.


10 A comparison between two things with the the use of like or as is called a:
Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Juxtaposition Contrast Imagery

11 “the moon smiles as the city breathes”
Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Personification Hyperbole Imagery Noun

12 “I am the best basketball player ever!”
Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Juxtaposition Personification Symbol Imagery

13 Flags representing a country
Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Juxtaposition Personification Symbol Imagery

14 ‘She runs like the wind’
Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Juxtaposition Personification Symbol Imagery

15 An old man holding a newborn baby
Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Juxtaposition Personification Symbol Imagery

16 A light bulb in a dark place
Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Juxtaposition Personification Symbol Imagery

17 I can feel the heartbeat of the city streets
Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Juxtaposition Personification Symbol Imagery

18 “My life is a highway” Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Juxtaposition Personification Symbol Imagery

19 Describing something in so much detail that the reader can experience it through their senses
Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Juxtaposition Personification Symbol Imagery

20 Giving human qualities to inanimate objects, animals or ideas.
Juxtaposition Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Juxtaposition Personification Symbol

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