Presentation template:

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1 Presentation template:
Please read before proceeding. Statements starting with ‘//’ are comments. Do not include it in your presentation. Your slide color will be ‘Tan background 2’. The font style is fixed as Times new roman in the whole presentation. The template shows single slides for each sections like abstract, introduction etc. But you can put any number of slides in order to elaborate a particular section. Your presentation can contain any bar graphs, pie charts, smart art graphics etc. The next slide in this template will be your first slide. Do not change the order of the slides. Best of luck.

2 Bachelor of Engineering
// font size: 36, bold, Centre Project presentation // font size: 24, bold, Centre Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Shree L R Tiwari College of Engineering Kanakia Park, Mira Road (E), Mumbai UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI // font size: 18, bold, Centre

// font size: 20, bold, centre, uppercase “WRITE TOPIC HERE” // font size: 32, bold, uppercase, centre By // font size: 18 WRITE YOUR NAME // font size: 20, bold, centre, uppercase, bold Under the guidance of // font size: 18, centre GUIDE’S NAME // font size: 20, bold, uppercase, centre

4 CONTENTS Abstract Problem Definition/Project objective Introduction
Literature Survey Block Diagram Circuit Diagram Hardware & Software Requirements Conclusion & Expected Results Project Plan References

5 Abstract // Same as problem statement
Abstract // Same as problem statement. Further slide titles have same font characteristics If bullets are required use only the pointer shown. //font size: 32, normal

6 Problem Definition/Project objective
If bullets are required use only the pointer shown. //font size: 32, normal (Explain in short about the drawbacks of the previous work /previous project. As a solution to those problems this topic is selected)

7 Introduction If bullets are required use only the pointer shown.
//font size: 32, normal

8 Literature Survey Sr. No. Title of the paper Authors
Details of conference in which the paper was presented Work done 1. 2 3 4. Note: Atleast 3 to 4 papers should be included in the literature survey. Atleast one IEEE paper is must.

9 // Start topics related to your project from this slide.
// Figure caption format is given below. You can put multiple figures in one slide. SAMPLE FIGURE Figure 1 Sample figure // font size: 16

10 Circuit Diagram

11 Hardware & Software Requirements
If bullets are required use only the pointer shown. //font size: 32, normal

12 Conclusion and Expected results
// This slide will contain results of the work done until now.

13 Project Plan Week Work done Week1 (17July-21July) Week 2 Week 3

14 References // Mention books, papers and other references that you have followed for the work done until now. For Example: [1] Dargie, W.W. and Poellabauer, C., Fundamentals of wireless sensor networks: theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons. [2] Atzori, Luigi, Antonio Iera, and Giacomo Morabito. "The internet of things: A survey." Computer networks 54, no. 15 (2010): [3] Donoho, David L. "Compressed sensing." Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 52, no. 4 (2006): Give the reference paper info in the above format. Wikipidia should not be included in the reference.

15 THANK YOU // font size: 44, centre, bold

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