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Whakatauki Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty.

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Presentation on theme: "Whakatauki Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty."— Presentation transcript:


2 Whakatauki Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain This whakatauki is about aiming high or for what is truly valuable, but it's real message is to be persistent and don't let obstacles stop you from reaching your goal.

3 Local legend

4 Appraisal

5 Baseline understanding check…. How well do you understand…?
The purpose of appraisal and its guiding principles How the scope of our work fits with Tātaiako, the PTC’s and ‘what is good” What is meant by an Open to Learning –Goal Setting conversation

6 Aims for today…. To develop a shared understanding of…
The purpose of appraisal & its guiding principles how the scope of our work, fits with Tātaiako, the PTC’s & “what is good” Appraisal being a joint, learner centered process The goal setting meeting and how this will help to form an action plan chris

7 Appraisal – what is it? Appraisal is an evaluative process i.e. a systematic determination of the merit or significance of something. It requires a judgement between what is happening (my on-going RTLB practice) and what is good (RTLB practice) chris

8 It sounds like ‘a tick box, follow the process, give them what they want’ event… right?

9 No…. Wrong! due to recent-ish changes made by the Teacher’s Council….
Appraisal a now a joint undertaking with a learner centered (i.e. YOU) focus. No longer is appraisal done to us, rather it is done with us. Each step of the appraisal process is co-constructed between us and our appraiser. (Think of this being like our Collaborative Consultation model where the teacher and RTLB move through the Practise Sequence together). chris

10 So yes appraisal is an evaluative process
So yes appraisal is an evaluative process. It is about accountability and … equally importantly it is now about working together, over the course of a year, talking about practice, skills, knowledge and beliefs in order to showcase our (amazing) work and our professional growth. chris

11 Setting up for Appraisal…
Setting up for appraisal begins with knowing about the ‘what is good’. This is outlined for us in Tātaiako and the PTC’s developed by the Teacher’s Council. We further developed our knowledge around this last year, setting up ‘What is Good’ for us as RTLB in our cluster. These are our guiding documents for what is good. Tracy

12 ‘what is good’ guiding documents

13 Jigsaw Puzzle Activity – lets remind ourselves about these documents

14 Coming alongside this is our RTLB practice, the ‘what is happening’
Coming alongside this is our RTLB practice, the ‘what is happening’. What am I actually doing in my work? chris

15 are our ‘guiding documents.’
Our toolkit, cluster policy, procedures and processes, along with our own experience in the job… are our ‘guiding documents.’ chris

16 These documents outline the scope of our RTLB work and include ….
the Practice Sequence HLN work and GATEWAY IYT and PB4L school wide PLD liaison work And more…..

17 Matching Activity – Let’s see how the scope of our work matches with Tātaiako, the PTC’s and ‘what is good’.

18 The beginning of the appraisal process starts with our reflections.
In these we ask if what is happening in my practice every day as I work as an RTLB, stacks up against what is good? tracy

19 We are asked to consider this not only in terms of our practice, skills, knowledge and beliefs but also in terms of the outcomes for our ākonga (in our case both kaiako and tamariki) and the whānau we work with.

20 Growth and Development As part of these reflections we are also tasked to find an area/s of our practice, our skills, our knowledge and/or our beliefs that we can develop further expertise in, in order to be continually growing as a professional.

21 Think, identify and Share - Let’s look at the scope of our work & think about areas you might like to develop more expertise in or have a real interest in … Circle these on the sheet and then share this with your group.

22 After reflecting …comes an Open to Learning (OTL) – Goal Setting conversation
This is where we meet with our appraiser to discuss and begin to refine our ‘goals’ for the year. Remember this is a co-constructed process. Chris

23 Observation Activity –
Watch the Open to Learning, Goal Setting Conversation in action. Record what you think the Agenda for the meeting is….

24 You are then tasked with making your final decisions around goals and refining your action ‘plan’ around your appraisal & growth process It is entirely up to you how this looks, what it includes and says! N.B. It does need to be in Chris’s hands by the end of term 1.

25 Option to share my goal setting and action planning (as it stands so far, remember its not the end of the term yet!) ??????????????????????????????????????????

26 End of day check …. How well do you understand… ?
The purpose of appraisal and its guiding principles How the scope of our work fits with Tātaiako, the PTC’s and ‘what is good” What is meant by an Open to Learning –Goal Setting conversation Tracy

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