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ROLE OF SCHOOL IN PROMOTING PEACE EDUCATION Sociology seminar presented by Kavitha S Roll No :51 B.Ed 1 st year (2 nd semester)

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Presentation on theme: "ROLE OF SCHOOL IN PROMOTING PEACE EDUCATION Sociology seminar presented by Kavitha S Roll No :51 B.Ed 1 st year (2 nd semester)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ROLE OF SCHOOL IN PROMOTING PEACE EDUCATION Sociology seminar presented by Kavitha S Roll No :51 B.Ed 1 st year (2 nd semester) 2016-2018

2 Introduction of Peace Education Peace education is the process of acquiring the values, the knowledge and developing the attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment. There are numerous United Nations declarations on the importance of peace education. Ban Ki Moon, U.N. Secretary General, has dedicated the International Day of Peace 2013 to peace education in an effort to refocus minds and financing on the preeminence of peace education as the means to bring about a culture of peace.United NationsBan Ki MoonInternational Day of Peaceculture of peace

3 Definition of Peace Education According to Ian Harris and John Synott have described peace education as a series of "teaching encounters" that draw from people: their desire for peace, nonviolent alternatives for managing conflict, and skills for critical analysis of structural arrangements that produce and legitimize injustice and inequality.injusticeinequality

4 Five core Universal values of Peace

5 Three Main Sources of Peace Sources of Peace Inner Peace (free from passion, fear and anger Peace with nature (harmony with environment ) Social peace (human relationships, conflict, love, unity, cooperation etc)



8 Boycott 1964

9 Peace Education

10 Role of Teacher in peace education  Dr. Kothari says “ the destiny of a nation is shaped inside the four walls of the classroom.”  Teacher’s are mirror of upcoming generations in the form of students.  An effective element of establishing peaceful atmosphere.  A Teacher’s prime responsibility is to help students become good human beings.  Motivated to fulfill their true potential not only for their own benefit but also for the betterment of the society as a whole.  To develop the comprehension about diverse cultures, histories, and fundamental shared values.  Value and model life-long learning.  Provide a safe, supportive and inclusive environment in their classroom and school.  Design and implement effective and meaningful instructional and assessment strategies.


12 Absence of Peace ( Violence ) Individuals ( fight between two individual ) Groups ( clashes of gangs ) Communities ( caste conflicts and communal violence) Nations ( War between two countries ) Cultures ( world wars and contemporary, Anglo-American war in Afghanistan, Iraq)

13 UNESCO Hand Book with 10 core values of peace education * Think Positive : It develops positive self-concept and attitude accepting others with respect. * Compassionate and do no harm: It develops ability like love, kindness, sympathy, empathy, etc. * Discover Inner space : It develops ability to control anger and build soothingness with. * Learning to live together: It builds sharing, mutual helps, trust building and accepting group responsibility including leading and following. * Respect Human Dignity: It develops respects for human rights duties and justice.

14 * Be your true self : It develops strength of character to be honest in expression of one’s feelings and thoughts without letting down others. * Developing Critical Thinking : It develops essential skills for problem solving involving analysis and synthesis. * Resolve Conflict Non-Violently: It develops skill of conflict analysis negotiation, active listening, mediation creative problem solving. * Bold peace in community: It develops understanding of social realities and peoples problem and skills. * Caring for the Planet : It develops understanding of the immediate environment, national and global environment for protection. ( Save Earth Save Our Planet)

15 Conclusion : Our beloved President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam linked Nation’s prosperity with peace. He referred the message received from a Buddhist Monk in a Statement that “ If you want peace, remove” I” and “ Me “, when you remove I and Me, you remove “ Ego”, when you remove Ego, you remove “ Hatred.”, when you remove Hatred, you have “ PEACE.” Learning the treasure within highlights the four pillars of learning and the third pillar which is most important is learning to live together “ Let us work together think together Achieve together with no hatred to each other.”

16 Have Peace Education


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