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Quentin Frederik Gronau1

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1 Quentin Frederik Gronau1
Generalization of Recognition Memory Models across YES/NO and Two-Alternative Forced-Choice Tasks Using Ternary Response Options Quentin Frederik Gronau1 Henrik Singmann2 David Kellen3 Karl Christoph Klauer4 1 University of Amsterdam; 2 University of Zurich; 3 University of Basel; 4 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

2 YES/NO Recognition Memory Task

Learning Phase: HOUSE BOAT FOOD SEAL RAIN Test phase: old? new? RAIN old? new? CAT old? new? KING old? new? FOOD old? new? SEAL old? new? HEAVEN

Learning Phase: HOUSE BOAT FOOD SEAL RAIN Old Word New Word old? new? RAIN old? new? CAT old? new? KING old? new? FOOD old? new? SEAL old? new? HEAVEN Hit Miss Correct Rejection False Alarm

5 Measurement Models Two-High Threshold (discrete state) Model
(2HTM; Snodgrass & Corwin, 1988) Unequal-Variance Signal Detection (continuous) Model (UVSD; Green & Swets, 1966)

6 How can we adequately measure recognition memory?

7 Validating a Ternary Response Scale
HOUSE old unsure new Such a ternary response scale has already been used (but not validated) by: Singmann, Kellen, & Klauer (2013, CogSci Proceedings) Kellen, Singmann, Klauer, & Flade (in revision) Kellen, Singmann, & Klauer (2014) Klauer, Dittrich, Scholtes, & Voss (2015)

8 YES/NO Task Two-High Threshold (discrete state) Model
Unequal-Variance Signal Detection (continuous) Model 4 parameters (D0, Dn, gunsure, gold), 4 available df → fully identified 4 parameters (μo, σo, c1, c2), 4 available df → fully identified

9 Validating a Ternary Response Scale
HOUSE BOAT left unsure right HOUSE old unsure new Is this ternary response scale valid? The experiment: Generalization approach Test ability to be generalized across two most common recognition memory tasks: YES/NO and Two-Alternative Forced-Choice (2AFC) task When presenting participants with YES/NO and 2AFC trials for a set of studied words, memory parameters should be the same for both tasks Jang, Wixted, & Huber (2009) provided evidence that the UVSD can adequately be generalized across these tasks using a 6-point-confidence rating scale To our knowledge, now such generalization study exists for 2HTM

10 (within participants)
2 tasks (within participants) Learning Phase: HOUSE Old/New Task per Block: 50 strong (4 × learned) 50 weak (1 ×) 50 new (0 ×) HOUSE old unsure new BOAT Experiment: 29 participants 550 trials: 2 blocks with 275 words 150 Old/New & 125 2AFC memory strength manipulation 0.75 s study time ISI 2AFC Task per Block: 50 strong (4 × learned) 50 weak (1 ×) 25 new/new (0 ×) old words: 50% old word left 50% old word right WHITE RAVEN left unsure old FOOD SEAL RAIN Test phase: old? unsure? new? RAIN old? unsure? new? CAT left? unsure? right? KING FOOD left? unsure? right? COFFEE BED old? unsure? new? SEAL old? unsure? new? HEAVEN left? unsure? right? HOUSE SPOON

11 Two-Alternative Forced-Choice (2AFC) Task
Two-High Threshold (discrete state) Model Unequal-Variance Signal Detection (continuous) Model

12 Unrestricted Models 2HTM separate parameters: G²(174)= 187.21, p=.23
6.9% individual misfits UVSD separate parameters: G²(174)= , p=.25 10.34% individual misfits

13 Correlation Memory Parameters Different Tasks

14 Memory Parameters Restricted Across Tasks
2HTM: Do and Dn restricted to be equal across tasks G²(261)= , p= .0008 17.24% individual misfits ΔG²(87)= , p < .001 Critical χ² in compromise power analysis (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, & Buchner (2007): 24.14% individual misfits UVSD: μo and σo restricted to be equal across tasks G²(261)= , p = .004 17.24% individual misfits ΔG²(87)= , p < .001 Critical χ² in compromise power analysis (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, & Buchner (2007): 24.14% individual misfits

15 Conclusion Both the Two-High Threshold Model (2HTM) and the Unequal-Variance Signal Detection Model (UVSD) are able to adequately account for participants‘ performance across YES/NO and 2AFC task Ternary response scale is a parsimonious and valid way to measure recognition memory that should be integrated in researchers‘ toolbox which yields full model identifiablity for the simplest recognition memory tasks

16 Thanks to my Collaborators

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