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What is the status from Ccavanue team

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Presentation on theme: "What is the status from Ccavanue team"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the status from Ccavanue team
Why shipping address is not populated if billing&address is different? - Resolved? What is the status from Ccavanue team

2 Why you are showing order status in payment status table
Why you are showing order status in payment status table?. –that means you can show the payment status (Failure/Success) instead of order status. But you have removed that label itselft

3 User end: For new order, delivery info shown wrong date
User end: For new order, delivery info shown wrong date. In this stage the date should be empty. After delivery, only it will be applicable

4 User end: order details page: Reduce the font size as like in order page

5 Mention “Rs “

6 Remove “let your inventions grow” text. Show only “”

7 Invoice pdf – Shipping address shown incorrectly
Invoice pdf – Shipping address shown incorrectly. Check why it’s showing 2 different address

8 invoice in Admin end and User end pdf: shipping details is mismatched
invoice in Admin end and User end pdf: shipping details is mismatched. You are referring the Same pdf. Then why it’s mismatching

9 Disable this button once item moved to process stage & give mouse over to user if ORDER in other states(”order can not be canceled after processing state”. . Now no cancel button available after processing state- Why everytime this comment is missing

10 Dispatched status not working properly
Dispatched status not working properly. In open order table ,it has moved after dispatched state. In Order history table,delivered date updated for dispatched state. – Old Comment

11 User End: Delivered date is not updated properly.
Reason – Date is updated for Dispatched state itself. So it’s not updated properly after moved to delivery state. Hope no need to show the expected delivery date in delivery date filed.

12 Update the table as shown below .Table format is not matched.
User Order Hitory page - Can you please reduce the font size?looks big in size?.for both table heading and datas(open order&order history table)- Every time we are repeating this comment Update the table as shown below .Table format is not matched.

13 If Any updates in “Part No& Description”, the order details table is updated. But It should not be updated.. Price field is working fine

14 1. Delete any product in admin side
1.Delete any product in admin side. The order details page, the item is deleted. 2.Hope you aware, this page we are maintaining for order history for future reffernce. If it’s updated dynamically means there will be a conflict between invoice and order details page. 3.And there is no purpose to maintain the order history details if it’s updated dynamically. 4. This is applicable for both user end/ Admin end order details page

15 1. User End- Update the address in User delivery page
1.User End- Update the address in User delivery page. The order details page, the address is updated dynamically in billing address & shipping address. 2.Hope you aware, this page we are maintaining for order history. If it’s updated dynamically means there will be a conflict between invoice and order details page. 3.And there is no purpose to maintain the order history details if it’s updated dynamically. This page we are maintaining for future reference . 4.This is applicable for both user end/ Admin end order details page

16 Order confirmation mail ,details is not clear
Order confirmation mail ,details is not clear. You can show the same details as shown in payment successful page.

17 Resolution issues – comments for 19 june

18 Image is not clear on IE.

19 Left side (configuration) overlap with footer. Resolution : 414x736

20 Left side (configuration) overlap with footer. Resolution : 800x480

21 Left side (configuration) overlap with footer. Resolution 480x640

22 Can restrict only “view source”. You can keep other info as it’s
Can restrict only “view source” . You can keep other info as it’s. Target is source code should not be visible either via “View source” or “firebug(any debug tool)”.Even if we do “Save page As” ,the PHP code should not visible to user.

23 Service page email content is not clear
Service page content is not clear. Please include id of the user to communicate with them.

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