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MULE Final Presentation

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1 MULE Final Presentation
Waylon Brunette (The Man) Dan Hoke (Almost the Man) Jason Jenks (The Assistant Man) MAN I have to do all the work

2 Project Overview Create a solution for sparse network data collection
High priority  data Low priority  time-delay Low cost sensors that are easily replaceable As close to zero configuration as possible Small infrastructure

3 Component Overview Sparse, arbitrary mica-mote network to perform data collection Central Server to store and process data (distant from motes) Arbitrarily moving MULEs function as transport layer Collect data Distribute ACKs

4 ? Component Overview SQL Central Server Bluetooth HTTP Radio MULE Mote

5 Design Model Shifted away from sensors Processing Power Storage Cost
Main Server archives collected data MULEs carry data from motes to Main Server Motes collect data and relay it to MULEs Increasing memory, stability, power, and computational ability

6 Establish Bluetooth Connection
Mote Data Flow Mote Refresh ACKs and keys Sparse Mote Network Central Server Data MULE MULE MULE Mote Web Interface Establish Bluetooth Connection Transfer Keys and ACKs MULE Handshake Data ACKs MULE Mote Mote

7 Project Changes Scrapped IR sensor in favor of simpler reed switch
Will not implement mote-to-mote networking Will not implement MULE-to-MULE networking Could not implement interrupt driven event detection Will use file system instead of XML to store mote data on MULE Using ftp vs. http for MULE to server data transfer Added a form of time-stamping to the system

8 Current Status Milestone ORIGINAL Proposed Due Date API Definitions
February 2 Mote Framework – Initial ground work February 9 MULE Simulator Integrate Mote February 16 MULE/Mote testing Move MULE from PC to personal Server February 22 Server Development System Testing March 1 Encryption MULE to MULE communication Final Testing/Debugging March 8 IN PROGRESS IN PROGRESS POSTPONED DROPPED IN PROGRESS

9 Issues Remaining Final integration Encryption Bluetooth Automation
Collects data Data transmission from Mote to Central Server Must verify that information doesn’t get corrupted somewhere in the data flow Encryption Bluetooth Automation PAN software has no API No Auto-detection of MULEs

10 Completion Plan Do a fully integrated test & debug
Check all comm protocols for consistency Implement CRC checking (end to end) Scenario running for a few days …IF THERE IS TIME…. Choose an encryption algorithm Replace the encryption stub functions

11 Demonstration Plan User programs mote
Mote set to super speed (15min = 1 min) with randomly chosen mote#, group#, and keys Place mote anywhere, and toggle simulator switch to produce data MULE leaves Central Server and collects data from motes MULE returns to Central Server Web interface will display data that is now in SQL server MULE goes out to mote network Gets Data Returns ACKs NOTE: A special mote and program will be available to observe what is transpiring between the mule and motes (collecting of new data and distribution of ACKS)

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