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By : Bilawal Khan , Salman butt

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Presentation on theme: "By : Bilawal Khan , Salman butt"— Presentation transcript:

1 By : Bilawal Khan , Salman butt
Cyber Bullying By : Bilawal Khan , Salman butt

2 What Is Cyber Bullying? The use of electronic communication to bully someone. Typically insulting , intimidating or threatening someone. Bilawal Khan

3 What should you do if you are cyberbullied?
If you are cyber bullied you should…. Tell a teacher. Call a student helpline. Tell the bully to stop, calmly. Bilawal Khan

4 How do people cyberbully others?
People mostly use social media to bully others They are motivated by anger or Revenge Taking embarrassing photos of others to get a reaction. Bilawal Khan

5 How can cyberbullies be caught?
CONTACT THE POLICE. Screenshot EVERYTHING. Show a teacher. Track the BULLIES ISP. Bilawal Khan

6 What will you do to prevent cyberbullying in your community?
Stand up for people being bullied ! Take an anti bullying pledge. Start an anti bullying club! Tell your parents to sponsor a workshop. Bilawal Khan

7 How can you be a good cybercitizen?
Don't be a cyber-bully. Protect yourself and those around you. Think first act second. Teach people to be a good Cybercitizen. Bilawal Khan

8 What are some consequences of cyberbullying?
Suicide is a huge problem with bullying. Victims hurting themselves Victims trying to get revenge Victims think bad of themselves Bilawal Khan

9 What to do if you see bullying?
Tell a nearby adult Stand up for the victim Tell the bully to stop Record the bully Bilawal Khan

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