Indonesia Annual Report 2016

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1 Indonesia Annual Report 2016
Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Bandung, 23 February 2017

2 Overview Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) was formed in 2003 as the implementation of Law No. 32 Year 2002 on Broadcasting. KPI, mandated by law to conduct surveillance in the case of broadcasting, particularly related to the broadcast program, carried out by broadcasters. The institution consist of Central KPI located in the capital city of Indonesia and Provincial KPI that are located in each province in Indonesia with coordinative relationship. 1

3 KPI Organizational Structure
Overview KPI Organizational Structure Institutional Sector Supervision of Broadcasting Content Management Structure and Broadcasting System 2

4 Overview Institutional Sector
Handling the inter-institutional relation issues of KPI, coordinate with Provincial KPI and institutional development of KPI. Supervision of Broadcasting Content Handling the broadcast content monitoring, public complaints, advocacy and media literacy. Management Structure and Broadcast System In charge of recommending the permit for broadcasters (TV and Radio) 3

5 Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Strategic Plan in 2016
School of P3SPS Indonesia Broadcasting commission (KPI) conducts technical assistance of Broadcasting Code of Conduct and Standards Broadcast Program (P3SPS) known as the "School of P3SPS". P3SPS is a derivative regulation of the Broadcasting Law which governing broadcasting in detail especially in the implementation of the code of ethics of broadcasting. School of P3SPS aims to set up a common perception, understanding and implementation of P3SPS. School of P3SPS followed by all elements of television and radio broadcasters (producers, talent, quality control team, cameraman, journalist), students and people who care about the issues of broadcasting. In 2016, KPI has conducted 8 times school of P3SPS with a span of three days study. Overall the total number of participants reached 268 people. 4

6 Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Strategic Plan in 2016
Media Literacy Due to the expansion of media, the needs to literate the society regarding information spread widely through media has become necessity. It is to help the society in selecting and sorting information in accordance with their rights. Media literacy activities undertaken by the KPI in 2016, are: Establishment of Community Care Forum Broadcasting, in Malang and Jakarta. Seminar on Media Literacy in Padang, West Sumatra. 5

7 Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Strategic Plan in 2016
Broadcast Programs in Border Areas Problem in border areas is mainly regarding infrastructure which cause: Spill over of foreign broadcasts from neighboring countries Difficulty in accessing information and entertainment In 2016 KPI cooperated with the Ministry of Communications and Information to ease licensing process for the community broadcaster in the border region 6

8 Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Strategic Plan in 2016
Renewal of Broadcast Provider License (IPP) Renewal of permit held for 10 (ten) private TVs which have a national coverage broadcasting Evaluating process begin in December 2015 with the proposal submission The opportunity is given to the citizen or community to deliver their aspiration or feedback regarding the performance of the TVs during past 10 years All inputs are used as one of the basic considerations for evaluation in the hearing process Feasibility Recommendation issued by KPI followed by Joint Meeting Forum between the KPI and the Ministry of Communications and Information Broadcasting Provider License issued by the Ministry of Communications and Information which valid for 10 years. 7

9 Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Strategic Plan in 2016
Survey index of the quality of the broadcast program Survey index of the quality the broadcast programs conducted by KPI is motivated by the position of the rating measurement which is very important for television in Indonesia. This survey produces two results of the research; qualitative research and viewership survey. The results of this Survey expected to be a new source of reference for advertisers and broadcasters in addition to the existing survey rating. In 2016, KPI has successfully conducting the Survey Index of the Quality of the Broadcast Program for 5 times in 12 cities throughout Indonesia cooperated with the Association of Indonesian Communication (ISKI) and 12 universities in Indonesia. 8

10 Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Strategic Plan in 2016
Election Supervisory Task Force Indonesian Broadcasting Commission, The General Elections Supervisory Board and the Election of the General Commission made the join decision on the Surveillance of election on 11 November 2016 The main duties of the task force is to supervise and monitor the news, broadcasting and campaigns election advertisement of Governor and Vice Governor, Regent and Vice Regent, and / or the Mayor and Deputy Mayor through broadcasters. The Election campaign is held under the principle of impartial and fair for each pair of candidates in the use of broadcasters as a campaign tool. 9

11 Indonesia Broadcasting Commission Strategic Plan in 2016
Appreciation of Broadcast Program Aware of the importance of this appreciation as a spur for broadcasters to create a quality program, in 2016 KPI has given awards to TV and radios namely Anugerah Syiar Ramadan, Child-Friendly Television Award and KPI Award 2016. Syiar Ramadhan Award is an award given to broadcast program on television during Ramadan, who has produce the best quality program with positive values during Ramadan. Child-Friendly Television Award is an award given to broadcasters who have managed to create child-friendly broadcast programs which educational and entertaining for children. KPI Award 2016 is an annual award given to the Broadcasting Agency for the appreciation of their hard work to create, select, sort out a quality program to be presented to the public. 10

12 Future Challenges The Development of TV Streaming 11
Broadcasting challenges arise along with the development of technology (Internet), which is now consumed by 40% of Indonesian people from various backgrounds. It creates a broadcast programs via streaming. The broadcasting law ultimately restrict the movement of KPI in controlling the broadcast contents on the internet The broadcasting law revision is expected to strengthening authority of the KPI to supervise contents via Internet or streaming 11

13 Future Challenges Content Diversity
The development of broadcasting also creates diversity of the broadcast program Current community has reached the stage of sorting out and not looking for information anymore Particular attention must be provided on children programs to get an informative, educative, and entertaining programs. Efforts need to be done by KPI: Disseminate and educate public regarding a quality of broadcast programs Encourage advertisers to support the sustainability of good broadcast programs Firmness in implementing the broadcasting regulation 12


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