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The Status of Beijing site, and CMS local DBS

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1 The Status of Beijing site, cmsROC@Beijing, and CMS local DBS
Xiaomei Zhang

2 Content The Beijing site recent status Some issues on CMSROC@Beijing
LHC first BEAM, CMSTV, Remote Centre Connection Ispy(cms event display tool) New PhEDEx Status Check System CMS local DBS for the Beijing group

3 CMS Recent Status(1) Site Status Transfer Status
Good among T2 sites, best among Asian sites Site Availability, Site Readiness for Analysis, OK every week Transfer Status Set up new transfer links with other T2 B-Physics members except links with 7 T1s T2_FI_HIP, T2_US_MIT, T2_CH_CSCS Easily import and export datasets with these T2s Volume and Rate status, good ~50MB/s Import 15TB , export 7.1TB these two weeks for official uses after first BEAM

4 CMS Recent Status(2) Job status
Enough jobs for our current CPU resources 2000~4000 jobs in average per day (~1 job/slots/2 hours) Sometimes quite high load, in this situation production jobs seems to occupy most of resources, production and analysis job priority has to be tuned in detailed in future

5 Site Readiness(100%)

6 Transfer rate—export from Beijing

7 Transfer rate—import to Beijing

8 Daily debug tests for Beijing transfer system
This map shows very good connection with other sites.

9 ~11TB imported into Beijing

10 ~7TB exported from Beijing


12 Beam Coming and Event display
Some CMSTV channels for 2009 beam are ready Which is one suitable for both visitors and you in one big window of shift room? (LHC operation--Realtime) (2009 First beam event display) (CMS DAQ--Realtime) (CMS simulation) Could you give me feedback on it later?

13 Event display via ispy for physicists
developers Ianna Osborne, Lassi Tuura. For physicists, for both online and offline Provide detailed information : luminosity, detector performance, trigger, etc Two small windows need to be added for more physics view. Eg.CMS DAQ, Detector status? Ispy ( Offline Storage CMSSW .ig files visitors CMSTV Physicists,DQM debug, analysis

14 Ispy event display A snapshot for ispy

15 Remote connection to CMS centers
Remote connection to CMS Centers are ready and run normally recently Planned it at CERN with experts Impressive for visitors Eg . EVO connection between Beijing and FNAL ROC , when Chicago consultants are there Strengthen connections among shifters around the world I think it is useful for

16 Remote connection to CMS centers
L1 connecting to MCU (Multipoint Control Unit)CERN cms p5, FNAL, Desy H.323, Tanberg system, very good quality L2 connecting to EVO in “cms centre operations” room Beijing, UERJ(Brazil),etc Acceptable quality Bridging between EVO and MCU, L1 and L2 Permanent call from EVO Discussions with Lucas, peter kreuzer, Gilles Raymond, Joao ROC responsible and CMS CSP responsible, technicians Strengthen good contribution to CMS CSP, the only Asian time zone contributor EVO MCU P5 Desy Fnal Beijing UERJ Bridging

17 No bridging

18 New PhEDEx status check system
Functions: Total usage of Storage at T2_CN_Beijing Who are using space? How many? What datasets in our sites? Delete dataset Check transfer status, DBS info about datasets Link: IHEP twiki section: Beijing site PhEDEx dataset subscription and space status check

19 Overview of Beijing SE usage

20 Who are using space? How many? When?

21 What datasets in our sites?

22 Delete dataset, check transfer status, DBS info about datasets

23 CMS local DBS for Beijing(1)
A formal cms local DBS server has been established Server name: Please use new DBS url instead of old one in your crab configuration dbs_url = Functions: Most of the functions remains as before Use and register your own private datasets with CRAB Search datasets in web

24 CMS local DBS for Beijing(2)
New functions: Register your existing datasets into CRAB Workable with DBS client: /test_primary_zhangxm001/Test_Processed_001/SIM Still a little complicated to you, need to be simplified and published in twiki soon Please let me know any need or problems from you

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