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5B M1 Unit2 Use your ears!.

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Presentation on theme: "5B M1 Unit2 Use your ears!."— Presentation transcript:

1 5B M1 Unit2 Use your ears!

2 What can you hear? in the tree bell /bel/ 铃铛 Ting-ting

3 loud /laud/ 响亮的 too loud 太响了 Is the bell quiet or loud? bell /bel/ 铃铛

4 What can you hear? bell /bel/ 铃铛 on the hand Ting-ting

5 quiet /kaiət/ 安静的 Is the bell quiet or loud? Be quiet! 请安静!
bell /bel/ 铃铛 asleep /əsli:p/ 睡着的 Ting-ting The baby is asleep. Be quiet!

6 old ladies 上了年纪的女士 lady /leidi/ 女士 both /θ / 两者都 They are both asleep.

7 the bell on the bicycle What can you hear? Ting-ting on the bicycle
Be careful! 请小心!

8 Is the bell quiet or loud?
awake /əweik/ 醒着的

9 Ben rides his bicycle to the shop.
Where does Ben go? Ben rides his bicycle to the shop. ride… to… 骑…到… = go to… by bike Ben goes to the shop by bike. Ben’s new bicycle

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