ECEN5533. Modern Communications Theory Lecture #12. 8 February 2016 Dr

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1 ECEN5533. Modern Communications Theory Lecture #12. 8 February 2016 Dr
ECEN Modern Communications Theory Lecture #12 8 February 2016 Dr. George Scheets Exam #1, 10 February Chapters 1 & 5 Design #1 due 19 February Quiz 1 Results Hi = 19.4, Low = 12.4, Ave. = 16.58, σ = 2.97

2 ECEN5533 Modern Communications Theory Lecture #14 12 February 2016 Dr. George Scheets
Read: 2.1 – 2.4 Problems: 2.1, 7, 9, & 11 Reworked Exams due 19 February Design #1 due 26 February

3 OSU IEEE February General Meeting 5:30-6:30 pm, Wednesday, 17 February
ES201b Reps from Zeeco will present Dinner will be served + 3 points extra credit All are invited

4 Testable Material Lecture Textbook Homework Communication Theory

5 To Maximize your score…
Budget your time Tackle all the problems Partial Credit is awarded Show intermediate results Obtain correct answer Tests are full period, 4 pages, 100 points Open book & notes HW rework for < 1/2 of lost points

6 Analog to Digital Conversion) Part 1...
Sampler analog input x(t) discrete time output xs(t) transmitter side

7 Delta Functions from Sinusoids
4 cosines 16 cosines 32 cosines

8 Sampling Ideal Sampler Realizable Sampler
Minimum Sampling Frequency > 2 * Wabs Practically, it's about 2.2*Wabs Output is discrete time Contains info to precisely reconstruct original Voltage is still Continuous Infinite Precision → Infinite # of bits/sample

9 Video Undersampling Typical TV Video has 30 frames/second
Frame = Still Picture Car Commercial Wheel spokes moving the wrong way Wheel spokes stationary, car moving → fs not high enough

10 The # of Round-off Levels Matters Too 24 bit color 224 = 16
The # of Round-off Levels Matters Too 24 bit color 224 = M colors

11 256 Colors

12 16 Colors

13 Example) Coding a Microphone Output
m(t) volts (air pressure) time (sec) Energy from about ,500 Hz.

14 A/D Converter m(t) volts (air pressure) 1/8000 second time (sec)
Step #1) Sample the waveform at rate > 2*Max Frequency. Convert samples to a bit stream. Note: Wired telephone voice is sampled at 8,000 samples/second.

15 A/D Converter Simplest technique is PCM
Wired Telephone System Audio Compact Disks Pulse Code Modulation Round off to N possible voltages Equal length Code word is assigned to each voltage N Typically a Power of 2 Log2N bits per code word

16 A/D Converter. 1 bit/sample.
Example) N = 2. Assign 0 or 1 to voltage. 3.62 v, output a 1 t1 time (sec) 0 < Voltage < +5v, Assign Logic 1 -5v < Voltage < 0, Assign Logic 0 Bit Stream Out =

17 A/D Converter. 1 bit/sample.
Example) N = 2. Assign 0 or 1 to voltage. Far side gets (13 samples) Need to output 13 voltages. What does a 1 represent? A 0? Receive a 1? Output +2.5 v (mid-range) Receive a 0? Output -2.5 v (mid-range) Hold the voltage until next sample 0 < Voltage < +5v, Assign Logic 1 -5v < Voltage < 0, Assign Logic 0

18 A/D Converter. 1 bit/sample.
Input to the transmitter. Output at the receiver. +2.5 v -2.5 v Considerable Round-Off error exists.

19 A/D Converter. 2 bits/sample
Example) N = 4. Assign 00, 01, 10 or 11. 3.62 v, Assign 11 +2.5 v time (sec) t1 -2.5 v 2.5 < Voltage < 5 , Assign 11 0 < Voltage < 2.5, Assign 10 -2.5 < Voltage < 0, Assign 00 -5 < Voltage < -2.5, Assign 01 Bit Stream Out =

20 A/D Converter. 2 bits/sample.
Input to the transmitter. Output at the receiver. +3.75 v +1.25 v -1.25 v -3.75 v Receive 11? Output 3.75v Receive 10? Output 1.25v Receive 00? Output -1.25v Receive 01? Output -3.75v Reduced Round-Off error exists.

21 Wired Telephone Local Loop
WN = 3.5 KHz Twisted Pair Cable Low Pass Filter Sampler Fs = 8 KHz Nonuniform Quantize 256 levels PCM Coder 8 bits/sample 64 Kbps

22 Telephone Local Loop: Voice
64 Kbps Decode 256 levels Hold 1/8000 sec Low Pass Filter Analog Out

23 Compact Disk WN = 20 KHz Audio Source Low Pass Filter Sampler
Fs = 44.1 KHz Code 16 bits/sample Quantize 65,536 levels 705.6 Kbps

24 Compact Disk 705.6 Kbps Decode 65,536 levels Hold 1/44,100 sec
Low Pass Filter Analog Out

25 Sampling & Quantizing Examples
fs = 16 KHz 4096 quantiles 256 quantiles (approximate phone quality) 32 quantiles 4 quantiles (generally 2 levels used!) fs = 8 KHz (some interference) fs = 2 KHz fs = 1 KHz

26 Audio (from NPR) "… before a joint session of Congress for his 2nd State of the Union speech, this is actually the first…"

27 1/8th Second of Voice

28 1/8th Second of Voice

29 1/8th Second of Voice

30 Sampling & Quantizing Examples
fs = 16 KHz 4096 quantiles 256 quantiles (approximate phone quality) 32 quantiles 4 quantiles (generally 2 levels used!) fs = 8 KHz (some interference) fs = 2 KHz fs = 1 KHz

31 Analog to Digital Conversion) Part 2...
Sampler Quantizer & PCM analog input x(t) discrete time signal xs(t) bit stream transmitter side

32 Analog to Digital Conversion) Part 2...
Low Pass Filter Source Decoder estimate of analog input discrete time signal estimate bit stream receiver side

33 Quantization Best Quantizer SNR occurs when round-off voltages occur with equal probability If input is Uniformly Distributed... Uniform Quantizer offers best SNRQuantize If input is NOT Uniformly Distributed... Best SNRQuantize occurs when Step sizes are small in domain of likely voltages Step sizes are large in domain of unlikely voltages

34 Wired Voice Telephone System
Quantizers… Quantizer SNR Input voltage mapped to representative value Causes round-off error Uniform quantizer error tends to be Uniformly Distributed So long as input PDF symmetrical about 0 Wired Voice Telephone System uses Companding


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