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Lauren, Bre, Savhannah, Meg, Evan

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Presentation on theme: "Lauren, Bre, Savhannah, Meg, Evan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lauren, Bre, Savhannah, Meg, Evan
Olfaction Lauren, Bre, Savhannah, Meg, Evan

2 Receptors The receptor for olfaction is a chemoreceptor located in the olfactory epithelium – a patch of tissue about the size of a postage stamp located high in the nasal cavity Chemoreceptors are sensory extensions of the peripheral nervous system into blood vessels where they detect changes in chemical concentrations.

3 Interpretation in the brain
Odorant molecules enter as gases and dissolve into an aqueous solution in order to be detected. Odorant stimulates chemoreceptors in the nose that detect smell. They pass electrical impulses to the brain. Brain interprets patterns as specific odors. Sensation transforms into perception, so we can recognize it as a smell. Olfactory bulb in the brain that sorts sensation into perception is part of the limbic system, which links to the brain’s emotional center. This is why we link certain smells to memories. -Marketers use certain scents to help sell their products. This is similar to aromatherapy, when certain fragrances in lotions affect mood.

4 Where does it go ? Prior to the cerebral cortex, our sense of smell is sent off to our limbic system which also ties into our emotions. This is what causes us to relate memories with certain smells Our olfactory nerve is the cranial nerve that sends impulses to register sense to our brain


6 Works Cited The Sense of Smell. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2016, from

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