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Nope OS Prepared by, Project Guides: Ms. Divya K V Ms. Jucy Vareed

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1 Nope OS Prepared by, Project Guides: Ms. Divya K V Ms. Jucy Vareed
Anu Adison Linekar Louis Nisha Unnikrishnan Srijidh K M Yadhu A U Project Guides: Ms. Divya K V Ms. Jucy Vareed Ms. Vidya Menon Submitted On: 5th September 2012

2 Overview Objective Introduction Literature Survey Proposed System
Design DFD Reference

3 Objective To develop an operating system which works using the cloud services but gives the look and feel of a desktop - NopeOS

4 Introduction Stands for Nibble Operating System Portable Environment
An OS that provides a fast, simple and more secure computing experience for people spending time on web. Nope OS is a user interface (UI) that allows people to access applications stored completely or in part on the Web Portable and with hardly a few MBs of memory. Can upload files to web or save to hard disk

5 Literature Survey

6 Paper 1 Toward a Cloud Operating System (19-23 April 2010) Pianese,F.
Cloud OS runs in web browser Provide access to web applications Perform the tasks of a full scale OS Characterized by single virtualized computing environment, middle layers Advocate the importance of virtual distributed system Ex: Google’s Big Table

7 Introducing Web OS- Moving OS concept using cloud computing
Paper 2 Enhancing Portable Environment Using Cloud (15-17 May 2009) Ajay Kumar S Deals with a system with minimum configuration with an internet connection and a web browser Introducing Web OS- Moving OS concept using cloud computing Applications using cloud are Yahoo calendar,Youtube etc. Ex: Google Docs

8 Paper 3 The OS Faces a Brave New World (Oct. 2009) Geer,D.
Deals about virtualization, cloud computing, and application development frameworks Virtualization lets a single server host slices of multiple OS “Just enough OS “(JeOS) movement –focuses on packaging an application with necessary parts of OS

9 Using Ext frame work for high speed technologies
Paper 4 Simple Web OS System Based on Ext Framework and Cloud Computing (16-18 July 2010) Gu Gendai Using Ext frame work for high speed technologies Advantages of Ext over jsp Design process of web widget is practiced which is based on Microsoft’s latest windows Azure and Web 2.0 technology

10 Simple Web OS System Based on Ext Framework and Cloud Computing (16-18 July 2010) Gu Gendai
Using the Module View Controller to design the system Model layer, View layer, Control layer Model layer includes: Data connection Data handling File manipulation View layer : interface for user interaction, built with Ext Frame work Control layer : processing b/n input and output

11 Simple Web OS System Based on Ext Framework and Cloud Computing (16-18 July 2010) Gu Gendai
Coding achieved in Web OS: Simulating windows: drag, rearrangement, zoom, overlay, close etc. Building user file system: Using blobs and blocks for storing data Retrieving files from blobs Extensible plug in implementations

12 This is an overview about Ajax Also how Ajax is working inside
Paper 5 From Desktop Applications Towards Ajax Web Applications (5-7 Sept. 2007) Zepeda, J.S Ajax is a set of technologies that work together to create powerful web applications Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Microsoft are developing rich web apps using Ajax This is an overview about Ajax Also how Ajax is working inside

13 Ajax used for geospatial web applications
Paper 6 Using Ajax for Desktop-like geospatial web application development (12-14 Aug 2009) Weiguo Han Ajax appns are more responsive, interactive, intuitive and dynamic features Ajax used for geospatial web applications Ajax enabled GUI components, servlet calling and web service invocations are integrated

14 Paper 7 WebOS: Operating System Services for Wide Area Applications
Using WebOS for wide area applications The components of WebOS like Global naming, Wide Area File sytem, Security and Authentication, process Control etc. Naming: Co-operating threads making up a smart-client architecture GUI threads presents a service interface and passes user request s to the Director thread Director is responsible for picking a service provider likely to provide best service to user Nearest mirror site is chosen

15 WebOS: Operating System Services for Wide Area Applications (contd..)
The advantages of Rent-A-Server architecture over a fixed server and how the client latency is changed Rent-A-Server architecture works on daemon process Working; HTTP servers send load information to load daemon In response load daemon transmits the state of all servers HTTP servers transmits this info to smart clients Smart clients use this info to determine which server to contact in next request When overloaded load daemon contacts the resource manager to create a server replica

16 Proposed System System Module System security File manager
Process manager Device manager Authentication Installation Application Development Application store

17 Proposed System Web Module Remote Log In Module Application Programs
Utilities management File Storage File Operations Remote Log In Module Remote user authentication

18 Design Nope OS has three major components:
Web Module System Module Interim layer The interim layer connects the web module and system module

19 Design

20 Design

21 DFD

22 Conclusion


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