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IEEE SoutheastCon 2006 Memphis 31 March 2006

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1 IEEE SoutheastCon 2006 Memphis 31 March 2006
Strategic Program for Dr. Ralph W. Wyndrum, Jr. 2006 IEEE-USA President IEEE SoutheastCon 2006 Memphis 31 March 2006

2 IEEE-USA Goals for 2006-2007 Express Member/Future Professional Needs
Offer increased, “sticky” member value in products, services – to improve member retention Provide serious, career-long continuing education to maintain a competitive USA workforce, and to preserve careers Provide innovation leadership Support K-12 education to assure the next generation of high-tech professionals

3 What Our Members Want From Us
New U.S. member survey undertaken at IEEE-USA’s request in December 2005 2500 U.S. members; 500+ respondents with +/-4.4% error 95% C.L.

4 2005 Member Survey Results 37% of all members would “definitely” recommend membership to colleagues (IEEE “backers”) 25% of all members were unsure/wouldn’t recommend membership to colleagues (IEEE “balkers”) But 91% of members probably/definitely will renew membership Gains in retention most likely among “balkers”

5 Closer Look: IEEE “Balkers”
Somewhat younger, more likely to hold B.S., work in industry, belong as Member Yet to develop strong identification with profession Currently disinterested in volunteering, awards recognition programs Professed interest in problem solving, finding practical solutions needed “on job” Source: 2005 MEMBER SURVEY RESULTS FOR U.S. MEMBERS

6 U.S. IEEE Member Profile Typical member works for large organization with at least 1,000 employees at all locations 59% employed in private industry Only 8% are self-employed 25% of all members are “balkers” Source: 2005 MEMBER SURVEY RESULTS FOR U.S. MEMBERS

7 U.S. IEEE Member Profile Source: 2005 MEMBER SURVEY RESULTS

8 Another “Cut” Industrial Members Academic Members 22% hold doctorate
Work in development, engineering, or management Work in research Many express need for better CE opportunities Are likely to be continuously upgrading their education Source: 2005 MEMBER SURVEY RESULTS FOR U.S. MEMBERS

9 What Are Tradeoffs For Those Rating IEEE Value Unfavorably?
35% want more, better benefit value at same price 45% want lower costs without reducing benefits Only 6% favor reducing costs by reducing benefits Source: 2005 MEMBER SURVEY RESULTS FOR U.S. MEMBERS

10 Other Dissenters’ Voices
41% of “balkers” wanted to create a new membership category allowing lower cost basic dues, and “pay-by-the-benefit” Only 7% “less than definite about renewing” wouldn’t renew membership because of dissatisfaction with a particular member benefit IEEE Job Site highest observed importance/ dissatisfied percentage (10%) of any measured offering; followed by IEEE-USA Salary Service (6%) Source: 2005 MEMBER SURVEY RESULTS FOR U.S. MEMBERS

11 Most Valuable Prospective Initiatives for All Respondents
40%: more practical articles 37%: more CE courses on Web 37%: provide programs to inspire K-12 youngsters 37%: partner for university tuition discounts, online/on-campus 34%: protect U.S. engineering/hi-tech jobs Source: 2005 MEMBER SURVEY RESULTS FOR U.S. MEMBERS

12 Implications for IEEE-USA
Member benefits need to be just that – not profit centers Partner with other IEEE units; communicate all benefits for which members are eligible Promote valuable on-line/on-campus CE benefits that members need to stay current, be more innovative Provide savings on member benefits (such as CE) that can more than offset member dues Prepare our next generation to be more technologically literate

13 IEEE-USA in Washington, DC 2006 Public Policy Priorities
Will urge Congress to pass comprehensive legislation designed to promote U.S. innovation and competitiveness -- National Innovation Act (S.2109) -- Protecting America’s Competitive Edge (PACE) Act Will support immigration reforms (“Green Cards, Not Guest Workers”) and passage of reform bill to prevent H-1B abuses (H.R. 4378) Other 2006 priorities include E-Health, Patent Reform, Retirement Security

14 IEEE-USA in Washington, DC Building Careers
Enhance IEEE-USA “Employment Navigator” -- collects more than five-million job leads from 170,000 Web sites Continue expanding IEEE-USA’s Career & Employment Strategies Forum -- IEEE’s largest and most active virtual community Work with IEEE Publications to improve the IEEE Job Site, with access to more than 3,000 employers, 10,000 jobs

15 IEEE-USA in Washington DC Supporting Continuing Education Opportunities
IEEE-USA is promoting IEEE Education Partners Program with EAB, which: -- Provides some 6,000 courses from more than a dozen providers -- Helps members meet CE, certificate, graduate degree requirements -- Includes Drexel, N.J. Institute of Technology, Stevens Institute of Technology, Thomson NETg -- Provides significant discounts that can offset dues cost

16 IEEE-USA in Washington DC Supporting Continuing Education Opportunities
IEEE-USA is also partnering with EAB to promote IEEE “Expert Now” courses -- one-hour online learning modules covering aerospace to vehicular technology, which capture the latest information on emerging technologies from IEEE conference tutorials, short courses, workshops IEEE-USA partnering with “AchieveGlobal” to offer 29 online “Leadership for Results” courses to equip members with the "soft skills" needed to succeed in today's workplace

17 “My IEEE” Member Benefit http://www. ieee. org/web/membership/myieee
IEEE Member's personalized web gateway to membership, which is: One-stop access to benefits Exclusively for members Vehicle for direct member communications Customized to individual members Communicating member value clearly

18 Promoting IEEE Fields of Interest for the Next Generation
Leveraging $$ and volunteer resources to support future of profession through EAB’s Teacher in Service Program (TISP), K-12 student mentoring IEEE-USA sponsoring expansion of EAB’s TISP into Massachusetts, Indiana precollege educators representing over 59,000 students in more than one-dozen IEEE Sections

19 Promoting IEEE Fields of Interest For Next Generation (cont’d)
IEEE-USA Teacher-Engineer Partnership -- Recognizes collaborative activities between K-12 teachers, IEEE members IEEE-USA Teacher Grant for Innovation -- Provides up to $1,500 for innovative projects that introduce engineering to students

20 Summarizing: 2006-2007 IEEE-USA Goals
Offer increased member value in products, services Provide serious, career-long continuing education to maintain a competitive USA workforce, and to preserve careers Provide innovation leadership Support K-12 education for future technologists

21 Conclusion: Building Bridges
IEEE-USA and its volunteer leaders will build bridges to other IEEE organizational units in order to: -- Improve the IEEE’s value proposition to members -- Ensure that IEEE (and IEEE-USA) are offering U.S. members the products, services that they want -- Enhance communications to increase member awareness and utilization of the benefits that are already available

22 1828 L Street, N.W., Suite 1202 Washington, DC 20036-5104
For More Information IEEE-USA 1828 L Street, N.W., Suite 1202 Washington, DC Phone: Fax: Web:

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