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The Canadian Political Scene

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1 The Canadian Political Scene
Political Parties, Protest Groups + Political Advocacy Groups

2 Federal Political Parties
Liberal Party of Canada Leader: Justin Trudeau Conservative Party of Canada Leader: Rona Ambrose (interim) New Democratic Party of Canada Leader: Thomas Mulcair Bloc Québécois Leader: Gilles Duceppe Green Party of Canada Leader: Elizabeth May


4 Other Federal Political Parties (not in government)
First Peoples National Party of Canada Marijuana Party of Canada Communist Party of Canada


6 Political Advocacy Groups in Canada
British Columbia Civil Liberties Association Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians Anishinaabe tribal political organizations Anti-Poverty Committee Canadian Wildlife Federation Monarchist League of Canada David Suzuki Foundation Raging Grannies United Nations Association in Canada Hindu Conference of Canada Canadian Doctors for Medicare Activists Raising Awareness

7 Protest Groups + Their Impact
The Women's Movement Feminists (people who want equality for all human beings, but once they solely focussed on women’s equality) pressed for a Royal Commission, which made an important recommendations about women’s equality. The National Action Committee on the Status of Women successfully fought for guaranteed women’s equality in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

8 Protest Groups + Their Impact
The Environmental Movement Greenpeace was formed (1970) by west coast (Vancouver) activists to draw attention to environmental issues. The public successfully pressured governments to pass environmental regulations and promote recycling. The David Suzuki Foundation (1990) is working to protect the diversity of nature and our quality of life, now and for the future - their vision is that within a generation, Canadians act on the understanding that we are all interconnected and interdependent with nature.

9 Protest Groups + Their Impact
The Student Movement Many youth in Western Europe and North America became involved in the cultural protest that became known as the “hippie” phenomenon (1960’s). Many students protested against mainstream culture, established political beliefs, consumerism, racism, war, and the environment.

10 Protest Groups + Their Impact
The Anti-War (Anti-Nuclear) Movement Many Canadians in the joined in protests against the Vietnam War ( ) USA troops were eventually withdrawn from Vietnam after intense public pressure.

11 Protest Groups + Their Impact
Aboriginal Rights Movement ; to the present Upon signing the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in December 1948, Canada's government was forced to re- examine its treatment of Aboriginals for the first time. Voting rights were extended in 1960, and Aboriginal civil rights became an ongoing concern in the 1970s. While there were still many Aboriginal grievances, they made significant gains during this period and our Aboriginal Peoples are continuing to fight for their rights.

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