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JEOPARDY (Science Quiz )

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY (Science Quiz )"— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY (Science Quiz 3.2-3.4)

2 Jeopardy Category 1

3 Jeopardy Category 2

4 Jeopardy Category 3

5 Jeopardy Category 4

6 Jeopardy Category 5

7 Jeopardy Category 1 Jeopardy Category 2 Jeopardy Category 3 Jeopardy Category 4 Jeopardy Category 5 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 Final Jeopardy Click last 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

8 Name the raw materials of respiration.

9 What are glucose and oxygen

10 This is what happens during respiration

11 Glucose is broken down, releasing energy

12 Oxygen enters the bloodstream from the lungs using this process:

13 What is diffusion?

14 A lot of solute and a little solvent is this kind of solution.

15 What is hypertonic?

16 Almost all living things depend on this process to supply them with the food they need.

17 What is photosynthesis

18 The products of respiration are water, carbon dioxide and _____.

19 What is energy & lots of it?

20 What product of photosynthesis do most living things need to survive?

21 What is oxygen?

22 In the carrot lab, the carrot was bendable because_______

23 Water went out of the carrot

24 If you put a carrot in freshwater and it had a string around it, what would you notice the next day as a result of osmosis?

25 You would notice that the carrot would be larger since the string is tight.

26 You have a cell with 15 protein molecules inside of it and 25 outside the cell. Which way will the protein molecules naturally move and what process is it?

27 The protein molecules will move towards the inside of the cell, and the process is diffusion.

28 Why is water important in a cell? (Name one of the three)

29 Most chemical reactions in cells need water, keeps cell temperature constant, & keeps the size/shape of the cell.

30 What provides most living things with the energy they need?

31 The Sun!

32 You yawn when you’re tired because you need more oxygen in order to make energy. This process is______

33 What is cellular respiration?

34 This process is the movement of water molecules from an area of high to low concentration.

35 What is osmosis

36 If you have 3 water molecules inside a cell and 5 on the outside, what would the process look like that should happen naturally?

37 The molecules on the outside should move inside by osmosis

38 My science teacher told me that if I sleep on my book the night before and I would learn by osmosis. Is this statement correct? Why/why not?

39 No, Osmosis is with water, not knowledge.

40 Most of the energy that is released during respiration is produced in the ______

41 Mitochondria

42 Plants use energy from the sun to produce_______ and sugars (glucose).

43 What is oxygen?

44 Is this statement true or false: Some substances can cross the membrane of a cell if it is selectively permeable.

45 True

46 Respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis as far as the products and raw materials. Is this statement true or false?

47 True

48 When molecules of water and salt on the outside of a cell are equal on the inside of the cell it is a ___ solution.

49 What is isotonic?

50 Sugar + Oxygen produces carbon dioxide and water and energy is the equation for:

51 What is respiration

52 Some substances being able to pass through the membrane while others cannot is called:

53 What is selectively permeable

54 Long organic molecules making up DNA and RNA are called:

55 What is Nucleic acid

56 Where does photosynthesis take place?

57 What is the chloroplast?




61 What happens if salt is in high concentration outside of a carrot?


63 Water diffuses out of the carrot (by osmosis) and makes the carrot flimsy, smaller, and have less mass.

64 AND THE WINNER IS… Team 1 Team 2

65 CONGRATS TO Team 1 Team 1 Team 1 Team 1 Team 1 Team 1

66 CONGRATS TO Team 2 Team 2 Team 2 Team 2 Team 2 Team 2

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