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Single-Source Shortest Path

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Presentation on theme: "Single-Source Shortest Path"β€” Presentation transcript:

1 Single-Source Shortest Path
Jeff Chastine

2 How does Google Maps work?
Jeff Chastine

3 Single-Source Shortest Path
How many ways can I go from SPSU to KSU? How can I represent the map? What are vertices? What are edges? What are weights? Jeff Chastine

4 Single-Source Shortest Path
For this problem Disallow cycles Still have weight function 𝑀:𝐸→𝑅 Calculate path p and shortest path πœ• where Note: Breadth works for non-weighted edges 𝑀 𝑝 = 𝑖=1 π‘˜ 𝑀( 𝑣 π‘–βˆ’1 , 𝑣 𝑖 ) πœ• 𝑒,𝑣 = min 𝑀 𝑝 :𝑒 𝑝 𝑣 𝑖𝑓 βˆƒ 𝑝 ∞ Jeff Chastine

5 Single-Source Shortest Path
Has optimal sub-structure. Why? Path is 𝑒 𝑝 𝑒𝑀 π‘₯ 𝑝 π‘₯𝑀 𝑀 𝑝 𝑀𝑣 𝑣 is fastest Assume faster way between x and w Cut and paste faster way and you get optimal! Graph can’t have a negative cycle. Why? Can the graph have a positive cycle? Can the shortest path contain a positive cycle? Jeff Chastine

6 How it’s Done in General
A node v has a predecessor node πœ‹(𝑣) Tells us how we got there NIL for first node End with a directed graph rooted at start node s Relaxation (pay attention!) Maintain an upper-bound cost for each node d[v] Initially, all nodes are marked as ∞ If we find a cheaper path to node v, relax (update) the cost 𝑑[𝑣] and predecessor πœ‹(𝑣) Jeff Chastine

7 Relaxation Example (using a breadth-first traversal)
∞ 2 5 a 11 d ∞ 99 3 c ∞ Original Graph Predecessor and Cost INITIALIZE-SINGLE-SOURCE(G, s) Jeff Chastine

8 Start with source node π‘Ž
Relaxation Example b ∞ 2 5 a 11 d ∞ 99 3 c ∞ Original Graph Predecessor and Cost Start with source node π‘Ž Jeff Chastine

9 Update connected nodes
Relaxation Example b 2 2 5 a 11 d ∞ 99 3 c 99 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost Update connected nodes Jeff Chastine

10 Relaxation Example b 2 a d ∞ c 99 Continue with 𝑏 Original Graph
5 a 11 d ∞ 99 3 c 99 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost Continue with 𝑏 Jeff Chastine

11 Relaxation Example b 2 a d 7 c 99 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost
5 a 11 d 7 99 3 c 99 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost Jeff Chastine

12 Relaxation Example b 2 a d 7 c 99 This guy can chill out… RELAX!
5 a 11 d 7 99 3 c 99 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost This guy can chill out… RELAX! Jeff Chastine

13 Relaxation Example b 2 a d 7 c 13 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost
5 a 11 d 7 99 3 c 13 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost Jeff Chastine

14 Relaxation Example But wait! We’re not done! b 2 a d 7 c 13
5 a 11 d 7 99 3 c 13 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost But wait! We’re not done! Jeff Chastine

15 Relaxation Example No relaxation b 2 a d 7 c 13 Original Graph
5 a 11 d 7 99 3 c 13 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost No relaxation Jeff Chastine

16 Relaxation Example b 2 a d 7 c 13 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost
5 a 11 d 7 99 3 c 13 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost Jeff Chastine

17 Relaxation Example Needs to relax again! b 2 a d 7 c 13 Original Graph
5 a 11 d 7 99 3 c 13 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost Needs to relax again! Jeff Chastine

18 Relaxation Example Needs to relax again! b 2 a d 7 c 10 Original Graph
5 a 11 d 7 99 3 c 10 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost Needs to relax again! Jeff Chastine

19 Final Predecessor and Cost
Relaxation Example b 2 2 5 a 11 d 7 99 3 c 10 Original Graph Predecessor and Cost Final Predecessor and Cost Jeff Chastine

20 How does Google Maps work?
PWND! Jeff Chastine

21 Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Works with negatively weighted edges Detects if negative cycle exists Consistently uses relaxation Runs in Θ(𝑉𝐸) Jeff Chastine

22 Bellman-Ford Algorithm
BELLMAN-FORD(G, w, s) INITIALIZE-SINGLE-SOURCE(G, s) for i ← 1 to |V[G]| -1 foreach edge (u, v) ∈ E[G] RELAX(u, v, w) if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v) then return FALSE return TRUE Jeff Chastine

23 Dijkstra’s Algorithm Is more efficient than Bellman-Ford
Doesn’t work with negative edges Has a set S of vertices that it has already traversed. Heapifies V. In general Picks vertex u from V - S with minimum estimate Relaxes everything connected to u Adds u to S Repeats until V - S is the empty set Jeff Chastine

24 Dijkstra’s Algorithm DIJKSTRA (G, w, s) INITIALIZE-SINGLE-SOURCE(G, s)
Q ← V[G] while Q β‰ βˆ… do u ← EXTRACT-MIN(Q) S←S βˆͺ {u} foreach vertex v ∈ Adj[u] do RELAX(u, v, w) Jeff Chastine

25 Summary Both algorithms use Bellman-Ford (𝑂(𝐸 𝑉)) Dijkstra (𝑂(𝐸 𝑙𝑔𝑉))
A predecessor graph Costs to each node Relaxation Bellman-Ford (𝑂(𝐸 𝑉)) Works with negative weights Detects negative cycles Dijkstra (𝑂(𝐸 𝑙𝑔𝑉)) More efficient Doesn’t work with negative weights Jeff Chastine

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