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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 7: IMPERIALISM AND WORLD WAR I TEST REVIEW"— Presentation transcript:


2 WARM UP – December 1 Use your notes from yesterday to answer the following questions on a post it: 1. What did President Wilson want to be the focus of the Treaty of Versailles? 2. What did Wilson want to create in order to prevent another war? 3. How did the Allies plan to punish Germany in the Treaty of Versailles?

3 TEST REVIEW 1. The Meeting in where European nations agreed upon rules for imperialism in Africa in an effort to avoid war: A. Berlin Conference B. London Conference C. Treaty of Versailles D. Conference to Decide what to do in Africa

4 2. Dutch colonists in South Africa who fought a war against the British when they took over:
Tutsis Boers Hindus Muslims

5 3. When a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, socially:
A. Nationalism B. Rivalry C. Imperialism D. Colonization

6 4. Applying Darwin's theory of evolution and survival of the fittest to human societies:
A. Militarism B. Nationalism C. Imperialism D. Social Darwinism

7 5. Part of India under British control:
A. Raj B. Annex C. Sepoy D. Darfur

8 6. One example of a protest that displays Gandhi’s preaching of non-violence was:
A. The Amristar Massacre B. The Sepoy Mutiny C. The Salt March D. Darfur

9 7. A feeling of pride in your nation or ethnic culture and extreme loyalty to that group which led many countries to want to expand their empire and greatness: A. Nationalism B. Imperialism C. Annex D. Alliance

10 8. A negative effect of imperialism in both India and Africa was:
A. Destruction of Indian and African cultures B. Modernization C. Nationalism D. Building of railroads, waterways, schools and hospitals

11 9. Refusing to obey laws you think are unjust, usually using some tactic of passive resistance:
A. Imperialism B. Nationalism C. Civil Disobedience D. Raj

12 10. Indian soldiers under British control:
A. Tutsis B. Sepoys C. Ganges D. Marines

13 11. This investment company had private armies and controlled most of India for over 100 years:
A. Sepoys B. British India Company C. British East India Company D. Parliament

14 12. The Rowlett Acts were acts passed by the British and gave them the right to:
A. Jail anyone they felt were subversive B. Jail anyone that refused to pay the salt tax C. Pass any acts they felt were necessary in order to govern India D. Demand taxes on Indian goods

15 13. All of the following were positive effects of imperialism in India EXCEPT:
A. The British laid the first railroad network creating unity and allowing India to create a trade economy B. Schools and colleges were established C. The British emphasis on cash crops resulted in loss of local industries for many villagers D. British troops cleared central India of bandits and put an end to local warfare

16 14. The type of warfare fought in World War I on the Western Front was:
A. Hand to Hand Combat B. Artillery Warfare C. Sniper Warfare D. Trench Warfare

17 15. The sinking of this ship that killed many Americans led to increased American support for the United States’ entry into World War One: A. Lusitania B. Elizabeth C. Andrea Doria D. HMS Argus

18 16. The Zimmerman Telegram was sent by Germany to Mexico requesting that Mexico:
A. Attack Britain’s blockage B. Remain neutral C. Attack the United States D. Attack Belgium

19 17. The Schlieffen Plan was Germany’s plan to:
A. Quickly defeat Britain so they could advance to the Western Front B. Quickly defeat France so they could move on to Western Europe C. Quickly defeat France so they could move onto Russia D. Quickly defeat France and Britain

20 18. The goal of the March Revolution in Russia was to:
Overthrow the provisional government Establish Bolshevik rule in Russia Overthrow the czar Execute the czar and his family

21 19. The League of Nations was an idea proposed in Wilson’s Fourteen Points with the purpose of:
Keeping world peace and preventing future wars Harsh punishment for Germany Occupying the Rhineland region of Germany Re-building European cities destroyed by the war

22 20. One example of an attempt to damage Germany’s military from the Treaty of Versailles was:
A. Germany had to disarm and reduce its military B. Germany had to take blame for the war C. Germany had to occupy the Rhineland D. Germany had to increase the number of its own troops in German lands


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