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Tale of the Tabernacle Exodus 40

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1 Tale of the Tabernacle Exodus 40

2 Why does it matter? A bunch of old religion and legalism?
No, it points to a greater reality in Christ. It serves to remind us of God’s holiness and our call to holiness.

3 God’s design! v1-15 v3-5 describes the various objects inside.
v6-8 tells us about the outer arrangements. v12-15 talks about the priests and holiness. v16-33 sees the work perfectly completed.

4 God indwells. v34-38 God came to uniquely guide his people.
All the families of Israel knew and saw this holy indwelling.

5 So what? We can ask ‘Is the Lord among us or not?’
Yes in Christ, God was present in the incarnation. What God begins at Sinai, he completes in Jesus Christ.

6 So what? The tabernacle is a reminder of God’s indwelling and of his holiness! Our life of holiness is the outcome of the forgiving and transforming work of Jesus. Nothing in our life should lead non-christians to think less of God and his holiness.

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