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Writing a Synthesis Essay

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1 Writing a Synthesis Essay

2 Drew University On-Line Resources for Writers “Key Features of a Synthesis”
It accurately reports information from the sources using different phrases and sentences; It is organized in such a way that readers can immediately see where the information from the sources overlap; It makes sense of the sources and helps the reader understand them in greater depth.

3 Definition of the form Writer is asked to take a position on a given issue, using multiple sources. (Sounds like what we’ve been doing all year!) Writer makes connections with sources and personal observations to support his/her stand on the issue.

4 How is it done? Writer Clearly promotes an idea,
Understands how to use a variety of sources including non-print text (pictures, etc.), Uses this “synthesis” to support that idea.

5 How is it done? Writer Uses quotes or phrases to extract key information. Demonstrates understanding in using the quotes or phrases. Uses the quotes to support his/her opinion/position. Uses MLA citation because a writer NEVER wants to plagiarize.

6 Remember! Synthesis is not merely incorporating sources.
Synthesis is combining information from other sources with your opinion!

7 So, how do I do it? Essay must be thesis driven, so form a thesis based on the prompt. Use your prewriting time to jot down ideas that support your thesis. Remember unpacking the prompt? Highlight information in the sources that support your thesis/claim so you can find them later.

8 So, how do I do it? Draw on 3 or more sources.
Use different phrases and sentences to support a central idea - use these as your quotes. Only 1 text -- baaad! 3 or more texts -- goood!

9 So, how do I do it? Make connections among the sources - make sense of the sources so the reader has better understanding. Make further connections through personal observations and/or theories that relate to the information from the sources.

10 Thesis Supported by Examples
Base your thesis on common points among the works. Support your thesis with appropriate examples from the works.

11 Thesis Supported by Examples
Answer the question, “What information must we know in order to understand the topic, and why? This strategy is best with essays that approach the subject with very diverse viewpoints. Can seem more like a report than an argument, so try not to make it sound like a report.

12 Argument: The Most Important Element!
You MUST have a clearly defined opinion on the subject! Support your opinion with valid viewpoints of your sources. Analyze weaknesses of any ideas you feel are not valid. (Overcome opposing viewpoints!)

13 Remember! Keep in mind that your goal is to support and illustrate your own ideas with the ideas of others to make a point.

14 The Introduction By providing an introduction that helps your readers make a transition between their own world and the issues you will be writing about, you give your readers the tools they need to get into your topic and care about what you are saying.

15 Format - The Introduction
Usually one paragraph Contains a one-sentence statement (thesis) that sums up the focus of the essay.

16 Model - The Introduction
“The easiest way to avoid living is to just watch,” said Chuck Palahniuk (an American freelance journalist). As a character with no opinions and very few actions of his own, Chance portrays Jerzy Kosinski’s criticisms of the modern world. Chance exemplifies the hollowing of our society as we stray away from personal exploration and move towards becoming a society that is relatively hands off. On one hand, Kosinski’s novel Being There analyzes the greatness of being able to quickly access information and on the other, the novel considers the toll it is taking upon American culture.

17 Model - The Introduction
Television today has become a form of mass media entertainment, a source for mass amounts of information, and a gateway to new worlds and ideas. However, masked amongst these seemingly harmless qualities lies the potential to destroy our society and corrupt our youth. As the viewing of television becomes more and more popular with the younger generations, an innate problem begins to develop. Humans, in nature, exhibit a large amount of observe – copy – blend in behavior in order to fit in with society. This quality is a defense mechanism, more prevalent in some than in others, that is designed to keep us not only accepted to society, but to continue the youthful conquest toward the all wanted description of “cool”. Television has increasingly become a more popular source for imitation through the youth of the nation. Because of it’s growing influence on the minds and actions of the younger generations, Television has become an increasing danger to not only the social skills of our youth, but also its overall education and health. 

18 Format - The Body Organized by theme, point, similarity, or aspect of the topic. Each paragraph deals with one specific point/idea that relates to the thesis.

19 Format - Paragraphs Begins with a topic sentence - let the reader know what the paragraph is about. Includes information from more than one source. Indicates where information comes from with either lead in phrases (Remember the writing for news and how you identified sources by saying “According to so and so”?) OR with MLA citation (use parenthetical).

20 Format - Paragraphs Shows the similarities or differences between the different sources in ways that make the paper informative. Represents the texts fairly -- even if that seems to weaken your paper!

21 Format - the Conclusion
Remind readers of the most significant themes and how they connect to the overall topic. Go beyond a mere summary -- offer the reader insight into the significance of the exploration of the topic.

22 Model - Conclusion While TV has the potential to be used a tool for explanation and help individuals to question and explore the worlds around them, it is unfortunately socially acceptable to abandon children in front of the TV set. As with Chance, children who are exposed to excessive TV often struggle with learning disorders and lack the vital experiences that children require in order to later be capable of interacting and behaving normally in society. Kosinski presents such ideas through Chance, whom exposed to be a man with no background, experiences, or connection to the world since he has spent his entire life watching it instead of living within it.

23 Model - Conclusion As proven by the posted studies and warned against in the novel, television is simply a tool that is causing the slow but measurable deterioration of the minds of our youth, causing attention disorders along with faulty educational shows that detract from the true learning that can come from human interaction. Our society has diminished to one based off of viewing these shows and copying them, thrusting our society into one of voyeurism and homogenous pursuits, undermining the true nature of human expression and ability.

24 And that is how you write a synthesis essay!

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