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Thomas Aquinas Learning Target 7.39 I can explain the importance of…Thomas Aquinas's synthesis of classical philosophy with Christian theology and the.

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Presentation on theme: "Thomas Aquinas Learning Target 7.39 I can explain the importance of…Thomas Aquinas's synthesis of classical philosophy with Christian theology and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thomas Aquinas Learning Target I can explain the importance of…Thomas Aquinas's synthesis of classical philosophy with Christian theology and the concept of "natural law."

2 Thomas Aquinas Thomas Aquinas had a significant impact on future generations of Christian people. He was a teacher and theologian who wanted to prove God exists. His goal was to find agreement between Aristotle’s teachings and Christian teachings.

3 What Each Taught Aristotle Aquinas
Used reason, rather than faith, to reach his conclusions People find truth through faith and scientific reason. Truths arrived at through reason could not conflict with truths arrived at by faith Reason, without faith, could discover truths about the physical universe but not spiritual truths

4 Aquinas’ 5 Proofs of God’s Existence
From Aquinas’ most well-known writing, Summa Theologica: Proof from motion Proof from efficient cause Proof from necessary versus possible being Proof from degrees of perfection Proof from design

5 Natural Law Thomas Aquinas believed in natural law.
Everyone has natural laws. They do not change over time. They do not change from one society to another. Some natural laws Aquinas believed everyone has: Living Education Worship Marriage On the other hand, positive laws are man-made. They can change over time and from one society to another.

6 Natural Law Positive Law Living Education Worship Marriage 1. 2. 3. 4.
Write one modern-day law that corresponds to each of Aquinas’ natural laws listed (you will have 4 human laws). Natural Law Positive Law Living Education Worship Marriage 1. 2. 3. 4.

7 Create a page from an illuminated manuscript using your notes about Thomas Aquinas.

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